What does your handle mean?

My name is Steve and I am not very creative. :) LOL. Didn't realize that this was a resurrected thread. Just read my response from last year. Still true. :)
My name is Steve and I am not very creative. :) LOL. Didn't realize that this was a resurrected thread. Just read my response from last year. Still true. :)

That is hilarious. Good to see your handle still reflects your true name!:woot:
There was this game on the PS2 called Jak and Daxter. Kickass platformer. In Jak II, Daxter refers to himself as "Orange Lightning".

This is Daxter. An "ottsel". A bombastic, obnoxious and fantastic fantasy ferret. Alliteration!


I'm a tad short, generally run about in pants, like to move around, and I like to think of myself as quick. Similar personality traits too. In some ways. Most importantly, I have this glorious, majestic, long red wavy hair that I keep in a ponytail. It fit too perfectly. Orange Lightning became my internet alias. I didn't even think about naming myself something different when I came here.
You know how that reads to us Brits don't you roflmao. :D

No idea actually. Can't stop grinning though.

That basically means I suit up as necessary. Base form is !Pants/Shorts!. Cold or may get dirty? Socialness? Add shirt (for their protection xD) and a jacket (Jackets are handy). Leaving the house? Add shoes.
The curveball in this equation is a robe I've dubbed the Obi-Wan Shinobi robe. It just looks like that. Hard to explain. :P Anyway, it functions as a robe and blanket upon waking. ULTIMATE COMFORT is achieved when the snuggie is wielded as a toga. Makes it easier to get out of bed too, because I get to bring the blanket. :)

But generally, yeah, I do most of my gallivanting in just jeans or shorts.
From the Pink Floyd song....

Remember when you were young,
You shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
Like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire
Of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
Well, it's to do with my own personal morality. Instead of operating in a grey area of my own perception of my actions I strive to work solely within the limits of my, admittedly ever-changing, moral framework.

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