What does your handle mean?

Do you like ships?

Tez got it right, how would we get our raiding and pillaging done without fine longships?
I study Wing Tsun. As you may know, our various techniques/structures are called sao (meaning hand or arm) as in tan sao, bong sao and so on.
When we first began training years ago we would get together and train outside of class. When we would get side tracked and start talking instead of training we would say "less yakking more punching" Eventually we termed talking instead of training as "yak sao".

So now when I'm on here talking instead of training.....
Tez got it right, how would we get our raiding and pillaging done without fine longships?

You should all the kids around my way with fine Viking features, still, it was part of the Viking kingdom, the capital of it was Yorvik just down the road.
My name is Stephen, but I go by Steve. In the days of yore on Usenet or in dialup bulletin boards, I used Logan5 or Peisistratos. One or the other was almost always available (and still is) when signing up for stuff. Currently, if I don't use my real name, I try to get phteven.
Back in the day with the Technics 1210's and the vinyl, Transk was a sub label of Beats Included. They put out two banging choons that are to this day, two faves. 53 is my Dads old racing number.
Mine is from my old gamer name that I carried over to the forums and doppelganger means a ghostly double that is a harbinger of death.

I picked doppelganger as my gamer name back in the day since I lived in a very sprirtually active place for many years.
The codename for an untraceable, unknown assassin from some book I read back in the day
From the concepts of Zen and also The Book of Five Rings, namely the fifth book, The Void.

Always keep one eye on the sky

Actually, luckily I never came across these while travelling through Australia but apparently they have spread at an alarming rate and into some urban areas. I did have a damned koala take a piss down my shoulder when I was carrying the damn thing.