They are both "killings," but they are not both, necessarily, murder.
I agree. I chose the term 'killing' advisedly.
"Murder" is not simply the intentional killing of human life, but the intentional killing of an innocent person-thus excluding self-defense and warfare, as well as, perhaps, euthanasia.
Basic agreement.
Abortion is the intentional termination of pregnancy-the intentional killing of a fetus.
Yes. Although I will note your use of the term fetus. While accurate, it would also be accurate to say 'human' in front of 'fetus'. The former does not convey humanity - animals have fetuses too.
This brings us to the ontological question whereby the enire issue hangs: is a fetus a person?
I agree that this is the important question.
"Personhood," of course, is a consequence of the brain. The brain doesn't fully develop in a fetus until after the first trimester, therefore, at least as far as the first trimester in this regard, the fetus is not a person, and abortion is not "murder."
I did not say abortion was murder. I said it was the killing of a human being.
As to when 'personhood' applies, I disagree. Some human beings do not have (due to unfortunate circumstances, such as prenatal conditions and accidents later in life) a brain capable of rational thought, decision making, higher functions, or even consciousness. Such people are not deprived of personhood by law or moral in our society - killing them would indeed be analogous to murder under any example where it would be murder to kill you or me.
By the same token, we continue to discover that some animals are capable of and indeed make use of mental processes which were formerly thought to be reserved to humanity - tools, planning, and the like. If personhood is a function of mental capability, we'd have to grant personhood to some animals as well as human, depending on where we draw the bar - and that bar keeps moving back, apparently.
Therefore, personhood is not strictly a function of brain function or trimester.
My religion teaches that personhood is bestowed by a Creator, not a process. I'm willing to go with that. A human fetus is a person. Ending that life is killing a person. Murder? I'm not ready to make that statement.