Let me clue some of you folks into reality, on the matter of what happens when the right to decide is removed from women, their families, their doctors, their religious advisors, and handed over to a group of government snoops and moralistic, busybody men who apparently have way too much time on their hands.
In 1979-80, when I worked at a Children's Hospital in a major mid-western city (I'd rather not say which one), I worked as a respiratory tech in a NICU. During that year, new Reagan/Ed Meese-inspired regulations came down from the government.
All newborns, regardless of condition and outcomes, had to be supported to the full extent of the hospital's resources. No more discussing things with the mom and family, bringing in the hospital chaplains and shrinks, giving the family time to deal with it and say goodbye, and shutting off the stupid machinery and letting Nature take its course.
The first time I really ran into this, it was with a term baby born completely anencephalic. That means, kids, no cerebrum, and just enough of a brain stem--the most primitive part of the brain--present to keep some, though not all, of basic housekeeping functions going.
The parents knew it. They wanted the machinery shut off. The nurses knew it; ditto. The doctors, staff, everybody but the lawyers and the Feds agreed.
We supported that brainless carcass for a couple of weeks, until nothing worked.
Quarter million, half a million dollars down the drain. Family torn up for weeks. Staff miserable. Brainless "baby," born dead, "died," anyway, as these unfortunates always do no matter what you do.
Oh, incidentally, kids literally across the street needing their shots, decent meals, Head Start, help for their twisted parents, etc., while we're playing Night of the Living Dead one block away.
Funny how folks who are by-god against guv'mint intervention that takes away a man's assault rifle are perfectly content with such spectacles.
Makes sense to me, though. Guv'mint takes a gun, guv'mint takes away a man's--let's just say thingy; guv'mint takes away a woman's control, well, they never lost anything anyway.
Recommended Halloween film: David Cronenberg, "Dead Ringers."