Personally, the reason I am not "Pro-Choice" is because of A)My faith B.) Pictures I have seen of embryo's and C.) Some women I have talked to that regret having them. But some people are just all sorts of crazy and they take it to the extreme... I tend to disassociate with those people... But although it may be against my faith I do think that rape/incest abortions would be the only time to get one... but nonetheless I agree that we need to slow down and breathe haha especially if this topic makes you infuriated. =P
I'd warn you to beware of looking at those pics of embryos pro lifers might show you. Because often they are distorted and blown up to make you believe they are 'babies' like babies that are already born, I mean they look like them. to make you believe they are 3rd trimester babies and what have you. Very few abortions happen in the third trimester but the pro lifers wont tell you that. and I know for a fact that at 2 months pregnant (around 60 days) for example an embryo is not mch bigger than a kidney bean. My bro's gf told us all about her pregnancy and showed her ultrasounds and such. But prolifers who are all sorts of crazy would blow it up, make it seem a fully formed 'baby' You see?
and I agree lots of pro lifers are all sorts of crazy, 17 different kinds in fact. But I have more respect for ones such as yourself who do make exceptions (such as rape and incest or when the mother's life is in danger. And those who say that its not their place to try and tell others what to do, as flea says they really are Pro Choice and not pro life.