When does karate cease to be karate? At what point does the incorporation of techniques outside of a karate system (i.e. Aikijutsu-type wrist locks, muay thai-style kicks, kenpo-esque maneuvers and principles, judo-like throws, etc) or similar to those outside of the system begin to define the system being taught.
For example, while perusing the ‘net the other day, I came across a video of some students demonstrating some lapel grab defenses. I think the style was a type of ninjutsu based on their footwear. I have never studied at a dojo that teaches said style, but their techniques were near identical to what I teach. Some of what I teach was taught to me by my instructors, some was extrapolated based on an understanding of movement. I will never claim to teach an art that I’m not qualified to teach, but at what point does the overlap in technique mean that I’m no longer teaching the same art as I started with.
Another example. I teach a blend of Goju Ryu and Shotokan, but I am studying kenpo as well. I find that I am incorporating more and more kenpo into my teaching (i.e. principles of motion, power principles, etc) and applying it to even the Shotokan and Goju katas I teach. At what point do I stop calling it karate, although I wouldnÂ’t be correct in calling it kenpo, either?
Just a set of thoughtsÂ…
For example, while perusing the ‘net the other day, I came across a video of some students demonstrating some lapel grab defenses. I think the style was a type of ninjutsu based on their footwear. I have never studied at a dojo that teaches said style, but their techniques were near identical to what I teach. Some of what I teach was taught to me by my instructors, some was extrapolated based on an understanding of movement. I will never claim to teach an art that I’m not qualified to teach, but at what point does the overlap in technique mean that I’m no longer teaching the same art as I started with.
Another example. I teach a blend of Goju Ryu and Shotokan, but I am studying kenpo as well. I find that I am incorporating more and more kenpo into my teaching (i.e. principles of motion, power principles, etc) and applying it to even the Shotokan and Goju katas I teach. At what point do I stop calling it karate, although I wouldnÂ’t be correct in calling it kenpo, either?
Just a set of thoughtsÂ…