@Xue Sheng after pondering on this for the past few days I wanted to ask you for your opinion on the idea of starting to train in Taiji now while I am still learning Karate. One question in particular I would like to ask you (in relation to your posts quoted above) is if you think I would have a better time adjusting to Taiji if I practiced a style of Karate that isn't
"as hard" as Kyokushin such as Wado ryu? To be even more specific, my family and I are firming up plans to leave Pittsburgh and head down south. If all goes to plan I hope to be in a situation in which I can actually train in Ashihara Karate. The emphasis in Ashihara Karate (as taught and
blueprinted by Master Hideyuki Ashihara) is much more on the soft than it is on the hard.
What are your thoughts on all of this?
Thank You in Advance.
Take Care and Have A Good Day,