Questions and then some

Pressure points on the tongue. While examining an acupuncture chart some of the miscellaneous points were located on the tongue. Im pretty sure people dont put acupuncture needles through it. What do they do with those points?
Perhaps thats not the best way to phrase that last question. A better way of phrasing this; martial arts and religion, why do they combine these two?

Who are "they" that are combining Western religions (your list was Christianity, Catholocism [difference there being…?], Judaism) with martial arts? I can only think of dominantly American dojo who teach things like "Christian Karate" and so forth… but it's really nothing at all to do with "combining" them… more just that the people in charge of the particular schools want to include both major areas of their lives…

Pressure points on the tongue. While examining an acupuncture chart some of the miscellaneous points were located on the tongue. Im pretty sure people dont put acupuncture needles through it. What do they do with those points?

That would be a question for the acupuncturist whose chart you saw…
Who are "they" that are combining Western religions (your list was Christianity, Catholocism [difference there being…?], Judaism) with martial arts? I can only think of dominantly American dojo who teach things like "Christian Karate" and so forth… but it's really nothing at all to do with "combining" them… more just that the people in charge of the particular schools want to include both major areas of their lives…

That would be a question for the acupuncturist whose chart you saw…
Yes, stuff like "christian karate" (I used the word "they to describe people in general; nobody in particular)
I dont know for sure what they do ive never been to one. Im assuming it might be a normal martial arts class but also openly shares religious beliefs. But that is just my assumption.
I got 2 opinion questions,

How do you react to students who arrive at class late?

Do you think its important for your students to remember terminology?
I got 2 opinion questions,

How do you react to students who arrive at class late?

Do you think its important for your students to remember terminology?

1. I shake their hand. Peoples' schedules are all different. It bugs me when people get worked up about it. If I can get away from work for a bit (I'm in a bit of a transition period currently) then I'll drop in a 1000 class as an early lunchtime. I never get there right at 1000. They usually assign me some burpees or whatnot, but that's really to ensure I'm warmed up before jumping in. It's the same if I go to a nighttime class. I've got two boys I'm taking care of. If they take too long on their hw, spend too much time playing at dinner, there is a wait for the childcare, etc then I'm not going to be right on time.

2. People should be learning terminology for a frame of reference. I should be able to say 'rear naked choke' and a submission grappler will instantly know what I'm referring to.
I got an opinion question,
If you have to defend yourself how likley are you to use words to try prevent the situation?
I got an opinion question,
If you have to defend yourself how likley are you to use words to try prevent the situation?
Words have power they can influence the situation drastically. From a simple I'm sorry my mistake to let's see if you are tough enough. Verbally saying I don't want to fight also let's other witnesses who police may questioned to do their report only helps your case of self defense, using words can also let your opponent drop his guard long enough saying something like hey aren't you Mikey friend(everyone knows a Mike) his brain will switch over for a second to think about it then you nail him. Playing on his emotions such as hey man sorry about that my mom is in the hospital I was in a rush to see her and I wasn't thinking and spilled coffee on you. What I am saying is think use your words to your advantage to supplement your physical skill set
I got an opinion question,
If you have to defend yourself how likley are you to use words to try prevent the situation?

years ago I was security in a hospital that had a mental health and detox unit and I think I had 60 or more confrontation in the 2 months (out of 6 I worked there) that I kept track of the confrontations I had, and add to that I was also security for NYS for a few years and of all of the confrontations I had I used words to talk people out of doing what they wanted to do and probably 80% of the time word worked.
i stated this title broadly mainly because i always have questins (i guess im just a curious person) i dont mind if others post questions, if you have any question someone may answer it. (i put it here because not all the questions are related and instead of making a new tgread for all my questions i thought it be smart to just put them here)​
my first question. in martial arts anid if you want to be specific you could say the system: karate, tkd, or jiu jitsu. and if you wanted more specific you could say the style: goju(karate), shotokan(karate), isshinryu(karate) and even more specific the type of style: meibukan(goju), jundokan(goju), shoreikan(goju)
my question, can you get more specific? also do i have this down correctly or is some of it mixed up?
The terms aren't used universally, unfortunately. I'd refer to Nihon Goshin Aikido as the "art", Aikido as the "family" (not Ueshiba's art - the classification from the DNBK, like "Karate-do"), and Shojin-ryu as a "style" or "sub-style" of NGA. Some would refer to Aikido (again the classification) as the "art" and NGA as a "style" (and Ueshiba's Aikido as a "style").

Perhaps there would be a cleaner classification in Japanese.
The lineage of American Karate, as I know it, goes something like this -
Men came back from overseas military service in the 40's and on. They started teaching the fighting arts they had learned overseas. Their art/teachings morphed as input from other arts came in, and the needs pertaining to American society concerning personal self defense (correctly conceived or not) arose. And that continues.

Please do not mistake those statements as disrespect or the downplaying of historical significence. We are a very young art, still wet behind the ears.
That's not entirely dissimilar to the history of Nihon Goshin Aikido, also brought back by a GI returning from Japan (in his case, in the early 60's).
when martial artists ad dr. to their title what does that mean?

what does xing yi translate to
thanks :)
If they don't actually have a doctorate-level degree from an accredited institution, I'd say it means they are at best insecure and at worst purposely trying to fool people into thinking they are something they are not.
Personally, I see no point in listing credentials that have nothing to do with the subject under discussion.
Do people at the dojang care about my university degrees? Not in the least.
Do people in the ER care about my MA training? Only when they need help with someone who is combative. And even then they don't care what my rank is.
For those who actually have a doctorate, I think some still hold onto the formality of that title in a way that was more appropriate 50 years ago (or more). There was a time when any title received (military, noble, educational, etc.) would be used in all occasions. Some still seem to prefer that approach, though the formality seems anachronistic to me today.
I got an opinion question,
If you have to defend yourself how likley are you to use words to try prevent the situation?
If I *have* to defend my self? You mean physically? What will words do if some one have made up their mind to try to harm? they must be physically paused and given time to think.. only then do words count for any thing.. in my experience..
If I *have* to defend my self? You mean physically? What will words do if some one have made up their mind to try to harm? they must be physically paused and given time to think.. only then do words count for any thing.. in my experience..
You know, I didn't read it that way the first time, but you have a point, Jenna. If we can still talk, I'm not yet at a point where I have to defend myself. And I'm not going to talk while defending myself, except to say things like "stop".
If we can still talk, I'm not yet at a point where I have to defend myself.
I think there are some situations where that isn't the case, were you realise nothing you say or do is going to work as the other guy is determined that this is only going to end one way. Then Brain Engagement, which requires talking obviously, can be used to create the opportunity to pre emptively strike.
I got an opinion question,
If you have to defend yourself how likley are you to use words to try prevent the situation?
words are very powerful in such a situation, you can either use them to calm the situation, or just as effectively to indecate strengh and confidence so they think twice about it. A simple " try it and see what happens" is quite effective in making them reconsider carrying out a threat
words are very powerful in such a situation...... or just as effectively to indecate strengh and confidence so they think twice about it.
They do indeed think twice, been there, got that T-shirt :)