What do you plan on doing now?

I'm going to kick back for 4 years, enjoy my soon-to-be permanent tax cuts, shoot some guns, I think I have some hetero weddings to go to, ummmm... nothing outta the usual I guess. Basically be thankfull I still have some freedoms and security for 4 more years.
MisterMike said:
I'm going to kick back for 4 years, enjoy my soon-to-be permanent tax cuts, shoot some guns, I think I have some hetero weddings to go to, ummmm... nothing outta the usual I guess. Basically be thankfull I still have some freedoms and security for 4 more years.

Until the conscription notice shows up in the mail for PNAC...ah well, maybe they'll just send your kids... :(

I've always felt that being aggresive tends to be counterproductive in most instances.

Except, perhaps, when it comes to Iraq. You certainly aren't adverse to voting for an aggressive President who won't hesitate to risk the lives of thousands needlessly. "The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not the oil and mineral rights thereto." George Bush knows this.

You're remarkably condescending, Brother John. Here again is your second attempt at an appeal to emotion concerning my use of the terms "fight" and "aggressiveness." Note I have no problems with the terms. None whatsoever. You seem to...and you seem to be making a play at making me look bad by my embracing those terms.

I didn't know you were feeling 'hammered' Steve. From what I know, by and large the outcome of the elections were proper. No body 'attacked' you, you weren't wronged... the side you were rooting for simply lost. I understand that that may be difficult to accept, but I've got faith in ya.

Oh, I accept we lost, and badly given the power shift nationally. Hence the term "hammered." I use those quotation marks to delineate a word used in a cited text. You use the word "attacked" along with sarcasm quotation marks.

But again, I'm not adverse to such words, and in the future will use them freely. I intend to aggressively attack the Republican party's platform for the next for years until they, in turn, are hammered in the next election. Did I miss one?

Aren't we all happy now? You get to posture as the gentle Christian turning the other cheek and I get to go testosterone. Ooooh, goody. Somewhat of a role reversal for a Republican and a Democrat, eh?


Brother John said:
I think that if you really believe that this administration doesn't listen to reason, which I think it does, or doesn't compromise, which I think it does...then you are being very stubborn and extremely partisan; which it is your right to be.

Actually, its because this administration is so stubborn and won't listen to reason that things are going so horridly in Iraq...

Expert after expert told them we would be perceived as invaders, not liberators. The administration didn't listen.

Advisor after advisor told them we will need more ground troops to adequately control Iraq's "hot spots". The administration didn't listen.

Inspector after inspector (including a few of our own) told them the chances of them having WMDs is slim-to-none. The administration didn't listen.

Most importantly, intelligence official after intelligence official told them there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11 (including the now-demonized but once-loved Richard Clarke). Guess what?? They didn't listen.

This president has previously claimed that he believes that "the jury is still out" on global warming. What does that tell you??
upnorthkyosa said:
Until the conscription notice shows up in the mail for PNAC...ah well, maybe they'll just send your kids... :(

I say this because the neocons themselves say this war will last the better part of 45 years.

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