Environment, Hunters, Fishers, Bush...


Senior Master
Bush apparently losing support from another section of his base...


Bush Could Lose Hunters and Fishers

A National Wildlife Federation poll has found that hunters and fishers, a group that has traditionally voted Republican, are not pleased with President BushÂ’s environmental record. In particular, the poll found that "58% disagreed with the administration's proposed changes to the Clean Water Act" and "69% disagreed with policies for reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired plants." Two-thirds of the respondents had voted for Bush in 2000.

The Los Angeles Times has more on the poll but notes "participants were not asked which presumptive candidate they planned to vote for in November."

Update: Russell Train, who served as head of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Nixon and Ford administrations and who co-chaired Conservationists for Bush, said he will vote for John Kerry (D-MA) in November, according to the AP. Train has criticized BushÂ’s environmental record, saying it falls short of other Republican presidentsÂ’ records and calling it a "polluter protection" policy.


Other than global warming, what do people here think of current environmental standards?


The Bush Administration just proposed opening up millions of acres of National lands to logging roads.

This will benefit the timber industry. The states involved are secure 'RED' states, meaning they are comfortably in the Republican category. It will be difficult for this proposal to hurt Bush electorily. It will however, be detrimental to the country's national resources.


The 2001 Roadless Rule was enacted by the Clinton administration. I find that it is not unusual for the Bush Adminstration to attempt to dismantle this legislation. According to the report, more than 1.6 million Americans submitted public comments that were used to develop the 'Roadless Rule', over 90% of those comments were favorable toward the act.

From what I have heard, the 'Rod and Gun' crowd is pretty upset with the Administrations actions on the environment. I think, however, Karl Rove has decided they will end up voting the second amendment over the environment; ironic because without the environment, hunters will have nothing to shoot. We'll see.

The states involved are secure 'RED' states, meaning they are comfortably in the Republican category. It will be difficult for this proposal to hurt Bush electorily. It will however, be detrimental to the country's national resources.
It's a shame and a sin how the lands set aside for "public" use are really being harvested for private gain. Nevermind the concept of protecting species, watersheds, and the "lungs" of our country.

I'm not sure - if the fishing and hunting groups get ticked off about this enough, they might (???) damage Bush in some way.
In 1996 Clinton directed the Bureau of Land Management to set aside 6.2 million acres for new wilderness designation. He ordered BLM to assess all Federal land for wilderness potential before allowing it to be opened to drilling, mining, road building, or RV use.

Bush's Interior Secretary, Gale Norton, rescinded the assessement requirements and cut the designation from 6.2 million to 3.2 million.

Bush also suspended or revoked the following regulations:

Those limiting raw sewage discharges from pig and cattle lots and requiring public notification of such overflows.

Those prohibiting the federal government from awarding contracts to companies that violate federal laws, including environmental regulations.

A provision allowing the Secretary of the Interior to stop new mines from being created on federal lands if they would result in "substantial irreparable harm" to people or the environment.

Requirements that mining companies protect waterways and clean up mine related pollution.

He's also appointed a significantly large number of anti-environment industry lobbyists to positions within the EPA, Agriculture Department, Department of Interior and Justice Department. If anybody wants a list, I can provide one.


One of the things I wonder about is, aren't other people completely outraged by these actions as well? Particularly the blatant disregard this Administration seems to have for non-large corporation interests (i.e. like the public).

Feisty Mouse said:
One of the things I wonder about is, aren't other people completely outraged by these actions as well? Particularly the blatant disregard this Administration seems to have for non-large corporation interests (i.e. like the public).
There are those who believe that the economic costs of *not* doing these things are too high. I think many of that ilk also feel that science will be able to one day magically "fix" any problems created by these actions.

Moreover, there is a not-insignificant subset of the population who feels that the Earth was created by some skygod for use by humanity, and that we needn't worry about environmental damage since the Endtimes are a'comin'.

I present you with some fun quotes from James Watt, Secretary of the Interior in the Reagan administration until 1983:

"My responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns."

"I don't know how many future generations we can count on until the Lord returns."

"I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent."

(Unrelated, but still fun to help remember the kind of people we're dealing with)
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The day I met other scientists who seemed to thoroughly believe
that science will be able to one day magically "fix" any problems created by these actions.
was the day I REALLY started to worry about the future of our country, and this planet!

True enough. Sigh. Watt. Nothing much else to say to that one...
PeachMonkey said:
I present you with some fun quotes from James Watt, Secretary of the Interior in the Reagan administration until 1983:

"My responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns."

The current Secretary of the Interior, Gale Norton, was a disciple of Watt. She was cofounder of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy--which was underwritten in part by the chemical and mining industries.

Her Deputy Interior Secretary, J. Steven Griles was a lobbyist for the coal, natural gas and oil industries.

Makes one wonder in light of this why Nader is accepting support of the Republicans in Michigan and elsewhere. They're dumping time and effort, and I heard money, into his campaign in order to make him a spoiler for Kerry. By proxy Nader is supporting the special interests he purports to hate.



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