I'm trying to understand your viewpoint. I honestly feel that our number one priority right now is to oust this greedy, dishonest, repressive, bellicose regime...we can deal with the nuances on 11/3.
If I was, let's say, a Green Party supporter right now, I'd vote for the major party candidate who is closer to my stance--Kerry--vote out the current anti-environmental administration, give my time and money to the Green Party immediately after the election, and start applying pressure to the new administration to be more pro-environment. I'd be looking toward 2008 immediately.
Why do you feel that they "may not have the ability to wage the fight come 2008"? There have been third parties for many, many years.
As a matter of fact, I AM kinda green...I grow my own organic vegetables, compost, recycle, drive a very economical car, and I'm in the process of investigating alternative fuel for my home. But I am NOT voting for Nader...not in this election.