Manly Man Question

So, I'm curious - those of you who do not reside in the USA and who do not have citizenship here, how would you vote?

like i said, a great conversation piece.

I am not a frenchy or a mounty... I AM CANADIAN!!!

hey nalia, please don't take offense to me referring to Canadians as mounties, and i apologize if you did. i've got close family friends who reside in Canada and i do not mean for the term "mounty" to be inflammatory or a cut-down, and that's directed at all the other Canadian posters as well. :asian:

For clarification, what exactly do you define as the "Average American"? I'd like to know what your operational definition is. It may or may not vary from mine and the other posters of the board.

hey TKD, i'll refrain from stating my own clarification of "Average American" because it will most certainly differ from your own opinion and the others here. i should have phrased it as "the majority of Americans".

An overexaggerated sense of nationalism/patriotism got us into this mess

ok moose, if you say so. i didn't know you could have "too much" patriotism. apparently to you, we can, oh well. sleep well tonite, you have good reason to.

Take a bow, Sapper. You've done this nation a great service.

more than you'll ever grow to appreciate. oh nevermind, i'm a US soldier and a Bush supporter, i'm the bad guy here, sorry, almost forgot. :rolleyes:

FYI, 85% of American soldiers currently serving in Iraq & Afghanistan are in favor of GW serving another 4 years in office. hhmmmm.....i wonder why? that's because contrary to what most democrats and anti-Bush folks would have you to believe, these guys and gals KNOW they are doing a GOOD THING in Iraq.

I'm surprised that no one else has discussed how utterly repugnant it is to refer to foreigners, and allies no less, as "frenchies and mounties". American, French, and Canadian troops have fought and died together on the bloodiest battlefields of the 20th century -- I would think that would mean something to the militarist in you, Sapper.

i certainly hope you're not referring to the French as a military ally to the United States. perhaps they were during WWII but that's only because we were saving their asses. do me a favor, name a single major US military installation located on French soil. good luck, we were shown the door shortly after liberating their glorious land.

and like i said, no offense to the Canadians.

sure it's always good to know who's running what country and perhaps know where they stand on certain things. but you won't find me bad mouthing another countries leader in particular, it's none of my business. it seems everyone feels they have a given "right" to slam people about what they believe in.

Note to all the other readers: I'm sorry, and I'm guessing I'll get yelled at somewhere for this, but I couldn't stay quiet about this one.

i don't really know why anyone would yell at you, just a discussion. i take nothing you said personal, if i did, i got bigger problems :ultracool . you have a right to your opinion, to say what you wish.

cheers everyone :)

i'm done here :asian:
i didn't know you could have "too much" patriotism.
The belief that this nation does not need alliances with other nations, has rejected treaties we've been a part of for many years, invaded a country on false pretences, and now are letting our servicemen and -women die in Iraq while Bush cut the pay and retirement money for our military.... Maybe *that's* too much "patriotism".
Nah feisty that sounds great.
Blindly beliving anything that is said can be bad. The USA is great. I love it alot. I like it more than any other country. Sometimes the USA is wrong. Veitnam comes to mind but you can conect the dots the rest of the way. I got to start working on something due soon.
Feisty Mouse said:
The belief that this nation does not need alliances with other nations, has rejected treaties we've been a part of for many years, invaded a country on false pretences, and now are letting our servicemen and -women die in Iraq while Bush cut the pay and retirement money for our military.... Maybe *that's* too much "patriotism".

i'll disagree with all of that FM.

FYI, do a little more research on topics before copy-catting the Kerry campaign themes.

BTW, Bush hasn't taken a single penny from the military. this is a Kerry quoted false tale. i'm in the military, i've received 3 pay raises over the last 4 years and another 3.5% increase in salary to take effect on January 1st. now do some research before quoting something you know nothing about. cutting retirement benefits...? believe what you will, but i can tell you, it's all crap :asian:

i'd be more than happy to paste the military pay tables for each year starting in 1998 thru FY2005 if you wish. just another tidbit here, Bush is the only president to push forward legislation to increase the BAH & BAS (Basic Allowance for Housing & Food) rates, to increase each year based upon demographics and actual area expenses. Clinton was always a big fan of having a standard rate, the same for everyone, even though we all know housing and food expenses differ across the country.

now, tell me how "bad" Bush has been for military entitlements. :rolleyes:
Sapper6 said:
hey nalia, please don't take offense to me referring to Canadians as mounties, and i apologize if you did. i've got close family friends who reside in Canada and i do not mean for the term "mounty" to be inflammatory or a cut-down, and that's directed at all the other Canadian posters as well. :asian:
LOL, Sapper, so Mounty isn't inflammatory or a cut-down but frenchy is!!!!:xtrmshock

Just kidding really... and no, for the record I did not take your post to heart, hence the big :D in my post with the link. Really I think sometimes lots of things are lost in text. We all have to be able to laugh at ourselves from time to time, it is what makes us good human beings.


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