What do YOU do?


We discuss and debate a lot in the study over issues, but really, this is a lot of talk. Talk is important, but what is more important is what we do with it.

So, politically and socially, what do YOU do?

What would you like to do more of?

This isn't a chance to pat our own backs, but rather an opportunity for us to express what we do so others may be able to get some ideas on how they might be able to get active themselves.

For me I would like to work more closely on State issues, using my financial background myself. That way, though my work I can make a difference. I have started with some Charitable giving projects in my local area that are run by the heritage festival, Paint Creek Center for the Arts, and the local school district. That is what I'd like to do more of.

Here is what I wrote on a different thread to express what I do:

Now, this isn't directed at any one person here, so no one take this personally.

But now, we have all adequetly pointed fingers at who is to blame. It's the Government, it's the Corporations, its the citizens or "mob", it's the terrorists, its the Bush administration, it's the old Clinton administration, it's the french, Bob Hubbard and Paul Janulis through a multi-national plan to rile all the martial artists of the world politically so that MartialTalk can take over the government (WHA?? )

So, we've all blamed accordingly, me included.

Now, regardless of where the blame lies, what can we do about it?

And that my friends, is the real question. What will YOU do?

I can't tell other people what to do, but here is what I do. I first decide where I can make the difference. I can't do much about a companies behavoir, or about what Clinton did in office prior to 2000, and so forth. I DO have an effect on my government by expressing my voice. So, I do vote, and I do go meet with people in politics in my state and my city, and I do write letters and get on the phone when I can, and I do go to Senete hearings to fight for bills to pass/not pass when I have had the chance, and I do campaign when I really believe in a canidate.

Now, in terms of HOW I vote, I vote for the canidate who I believe will take us a little bit closer to having a better america and society. A stagnent canidate who isn't able to move us forward at all is not good enough for me. And, obviously, a canidate who moves us backwards is not good either. I'll vote independent, Democrat, or Republican if I believe the canidate will bring us steps forward to a better society. One thing (and this is important to me) is I don't vote on SINGLE ISSUES (gun control, or abortion, for example). Some people are single issue voters; they ONLY vote for the canidate who is "pro-life" for example. I feel that by voting single issue, I allow myself to be manipulated by canidates who may SAY they agree with me on my issue, but the reality is they aren't going to do anything to help the issue at all, and they may be worse for our country on the other issues. So I critically look at as many issues as I can to make a decision on a canidate.

Not to be bi-partisen here, but having said how I vote, I will not be voting for Bush in 04', and I will be voting for Kerry. I strongly believe that Bush has done more to harm our country then help. I don't think that Gore would have done better had he have been selected by the supreme court to run our country instead of Bush, but I do think that Kerry will help reverse some of the damage that I feel the current administration has caused. I don't think that Kerry is "our savior" but I do think that he will bring us a few needed steps in a positive direction.

Regardless of how I vote, as time allows, I stay active. Not everybody can spend the time I have spent, but every little bit counts. Now, staying active requires (my goodness)....educations! So, critical thinking skills are a must. And, I try to stay current, through many different media sources, not just a biased few or one source. I spend more, probably, because it interests me, but the average citizen can get away with an hour a weeks worth of news to stay informed, I think.

Also, the apathy of citizens are a problem as well. As citizens, we are our own worst enemy. The first rule to combat this, is don't be an apathetic citizen yourself. At the very least, get informed and vote. The second thing that I do is I try to have conversations like this one. We all have various opinions, but at LEAST by having the conversation, people will hopefully be becoming more informed, and more people who are observing or participating will vote in an informed manner in the next election. Just by having the conversations and even the debates with friends and family is helping to combat apathy.

The fact is, unlike what many ultra-liberals or ultra-conservatives would have you think, change will not occur overnight. It takes time and continuous effort. You won't see how the little part you play matters, usually, but every little part counts.

So, I'm going to try to do my part, and I hope you all will do the same. If we all did our part, I think we (citizens) would be able to take back our government.

So, What do you do, and what would you like to do more of?

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