Oily Dragon
Senior Master
YMMV. I'm starting at a new judo school soon that focuses on a lot of newaza because there's a local BJJ school and they interact and have co op seminars.My understanding is that many Judo schools have followed the trend from Judo competitions, which are much more restrictive regarding ground work. When I trained, we spent a good bit of time on ground work (even working some basic collegiate wrestling scenarios), but that seems to be less the case now, and might not have been the norm even then.
And the idea that BJJ schools don' train throws, standing sweeps etc, just look at the 4 billion BJJ throwing videos online. Every BJJ class I've walked on mat or observed did plenty of throwing drills and sparring on their feet.
I always felt this was a reaction from the fact that early GJJ wins were largely on the ground, BJJ has this rep for being a "ground fighting" art. It's a lot more comprehensive, IMHO, and the closer to GJJ the better. I know GJJ guys who are killers, the elevation level of the fight doesn't matter

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