I'll suggest wrestling for the no-jacket wrestling. The moment that you have built up a habit to use your opponent's jacket to
- pull,
- hold him back with stiff arms,
it will be very difficult to remove that habit later on. Of course the other way around may be true too. One guy has 15 years wrestling experience. He lost in his 1st jacket wrestling tournament just because he didn't know how to take advantage on the wrestling jacket.
One argument is that everybody will wear clothes. The issue is, when you grab on your opponent's shirt, you are not controlling his arms. Since your opponent's arms are free, he can do a lot of thing on you. If you control your opponent's arm instead of just grab on his shirt, that will be a much better strategy.
IMO, the wrestling
- head lock,
- bear hug,
- double over hooks,
- double under hook,
- arm wrap,
are much closer to true fighting than the jacket wrestling's
- sleeve and upper collar hold.
- sleeve and back belt hold.
- ...
If you compare
1. Not knowing how to take advantage on wrestling jacket.
2. All your techniques depend on wrestling jacket.
I'll prefer 1 over 2.
In the following picture, the guy on the right uses his right hand to grab on his opponent's lapel while his opponent's both arms are still free. The moment that you are used to this kind of wrestling, you will feel very uncomfortable to wrestle when the wrestling jack is not there.