Weight training and kenpo

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I'll throw my 2 cents in on this one. For my money and time, Free weights are the only way to go. I have been powerlifting since high school, and except for some lapses in time, when I ballooned to a pretty hefty weight, I have stayed after it. I started back in the gym about 15 months ago after a two year hiatus, or lazy spell, which ever, and while I had lost alot of strength, it has all come back. I am almost back to my personal records on bench and squat, and have blown my old PR away on deadlift. All the while losing close to 250 pounds of fat. Not a bad exchange. I have tried the SOLOFLEX, junk; Nautilus machines, not enough weight; and even worked out on a friends newly aquired BowFlex, way too expensive, and not even close to actual poundages that they claim.
There are oodles and oodles of workouts out there on the net, you can find something that will fit your needs. If you need any help, feel free to email me and I can recommend a basic strengthening program, or a BALLS-to-THE-WALLS power based program.

Gary Catherman, kenpoist.
Originally posted by Seig

Night et al.
This is not always true. I am very large and incredibly flexible. There is nothing wrong with weight training, whatever your program (mass vs cut) as long as you sumplement it with a very good strectching routine. One thing that a lot of athletes neglect is the need to stretch out before AND after you work out. Whether it be aerobic or anareobic.

Quit bragging, cause you're not as muscular, and as handsome as I am!:rofl:
Originally posted by Kalicombat

I'll throw my 2 cents in on this one. For my money and time, Free weights are the only way to go. I have been powerlifting since high school, and except for some lapses in time, when I ballooned to a pretty hefty weight, I have stayed after it. I started back in the gym about 15 months ago after a two year hiatus, or lazy spell, which ever, and while I had lost alot of strength, it has all come back. I am almost back to my personal records on bench and squat, and have blown my old PR away on deadlift. All the while losing close to 250 pounds of fat. Not a bad exchange. I have tried the SOLOFLEX, junk; Nautilus machines, not enough weight; and even worked out on a friends newly aquired BowFlex, way too expensive, and not even close to actual poundages that they claim.
There are oodles and oodles of workouts out there on the net, you can find something that will fit your needs. If you need any help, feel free to email me and I can recommend a basic strengthening program, or a BALLS-to-THE-WALLS power based program.

Gary Catherman, kenpoist.

Gotta agree with Gary here. there's nothing like them free weights! I'm so strong that I can take on the Goldendragon, and Seig! (Minus the steroids)

On a serious note, Rahter than doing 80% of the weight when working out, go with 65% instead. It'll help from getting worn out!:asian:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Quit bragging, cause you're not as muscular, and as handsome as I am!:rofl:
Keep acting like Gou and you won't be handsome for long!:roflmao: :moon:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Gotta agree with Gary here. there's nothing like them free weights! I'm so strong that I can take on the Goldendragon, and Seig! (Minus the steroids)

Challenge accepted:rofl:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Looks like you wrote a check that Corpus Bank of Ricardo can't cash........ :rofl:

Check the bank statement again! The money is there!(remember FDIC):rofl:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Check the bank statement again! The money is there!(remember FDIC):rofl:
Yeah, he's right, I checked! Found Debilitated Insures Claim!

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