Was Oyama fake?

you say he fake yet Jack Dempsey himself called him God hand


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you say he fake yet Jack Dempsey himself called him God hand
Jack Dempsey never called Mas "God Hand".

That was a name he chose himself.

This is pretty common with martial arts toughs. They like to choose a code name.

That's cool. My code name is Oily Dragon. It comes from Big Trouble in Little China.

The Chinese have a lot of hells.
you say he fake yet Jack Dempsey himself called him God hand
Do you have any reference.evidence for this? The closest I can find is a story he told where dempsey said he wishes his children had a hand as strong as oyama's. But nothing saying Jack Dempsey himself said that, or referred to it as a god hand.
Do you have any reference.evidence for this? The closest I can find is a story he told where dempsey said he wishes his children had a hand as strong as oyama's. But nothing saying Jack Dempsey himself said that, or referred to it as a god hand.
i would recommend using translator. The part where it talks about Jack Dempsey is at 9:43 but i would recommend watching the entire thing. And are you surprised? Why is it hard to believe that oh maybe Jack Dempsey himself called him god hand. Oyama showed Americans something new. You doubting Oyama stories because you will never be a man like him. It's erased history. It's well known by now
i would recommend using translator. The part where it talks about Jack Dempsey is at 9:43 but i would recommend watching the entire thing. And are you surprised? Why is it hard to believe that oh maybe Jack Dempsey himself called him god hand. Oyama showed Americans something new. You doubting Oyama stories because you will never be a man like him. It's erased history. It's well known by now
Do you have a way to translate for free? The only ways I know of involve downloading the video and attempting a translation which may or may not work (and the video appears to be in korean, based on the comments/description, which is odd on it's won).
It's not hard to believe that Dempsey called him god hand, but there's no evidence to suggest that he did. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Mas Oyama, great as he was, exaggerated some things for effect. I agree, I'll never be a man like him, but that doesn't have much to do with my doubts here.
Do you have a way to translate for free? The only ways I know of involve downloading the video and attempting a translation which may or may not work (and the video appears to be in korean, based on the comments/description, which is odd on it's won).
It's not hard to believe that Dempsey called him god hand, but there's no evidence to suggest that he did. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Mas Oyama, great as he was, exaggerated some things for effect. I agree, I'll never be a man like him, but that doesn't have much to do with my doubts here.
google translate did good job in my opinion. well sure some can be.. but yeah in translation it stated that the middle aged man who called who called oyama God hand appeared to be no other than Jack Dempsey as they also met in oyamas dressing room and then Jack complimented his fists and told that he is going to boast about it to his children. also the fact that many many articles and videos and photos have been deleted. how can you not believe it then. sure there is no proof but that is because they were deleted. i personally ain't surprised by it.. if anyone would deserve that nickname it would be Masutatsu Oyama.
Do you have a way to translate for free? The only ways I know of involve downloading the video and attempting a translation which may or may not work (and the video appears to be in korean, based on the comments/description, which is odd on it's won).
It's not hard to believe that Dempsey called him god hand, but there's no evidence to suggest that he did. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Mas Oyama, great as he was, exaggerated some things for effect. I agree, I'll never be a man like him, but that doesn't have much to do with my doubts here.
also here is more full version of that bull fight
google translate did good job in my opinion. well sure some can be.. but yeah in translation it stated that the middle aged man who called who called oyama God hand appeared to be no other than Jack Dempsey as they also met in oyamas dressing room and then Jack complimented his fists and told that he is going to boast about it to his children. also the fact that many many articles and videos and photos have been deleted. how can you not believe it then. sure there is no proof but that is because they were deleted. i personally ain't surprised by it.. if anyone would deserve that nickname it would be Masutatsu Oyama.
So it's other people who have reason to tout Oyama's claim, explaining what Jack said? And the fact that all the articles and videos and photos have magically been deleted is proof that they must have existed in the first place? I respect Oyama and all that he's accomplished, but claiming that an outside party gave him a nickname, acknowledging that there is no evidence said party actually gave him that nickname, and spouting that lack of evidence as evidence, implies a lack of critical thinking and causes a lot of flags to go off on my skepticism radar.
First of all, I'm not saying he's fake but I came across this video and wanna hear your opinion about it.
He wasn't fake

many teachers abilities are exaggerated I mean…aren’t breaking boards etc just tricks?
Is that supposed to be Andy Hug? :pompus:
Oh man. That was funny but sad at the same time. It's actually Ben Stiller's office self portrait from "Dodgeball".

I doubt most people know who Andy was but here you go.

Thanks for the inspiration, dude. I'm gonna go do some squats and splits.

Oh man. That was funny but sad at the same time. It's actually Ben Stiller's office self portrait from "Dodgeball".

I doubt most people know who Andy was but here you go.
I admit that as you wrote this I was wondering who the heck is Sensei Stiller and dodgball, but now i google it :D

I thought people on here would know Andy Hug as a legendary fighter in kickboxing but also kyokushin, and a master of axe kicks. If not, that's sad ;)

He is an inspiration indeed, amazing flexibility.

Thanks for the inspiration, dude. I'm gonna go do some squats and splits.

Talk about seeing what you expect to see!... I could swear the title said "White meets Karate", i looked through the whole clip twice and still didn't get it.... now i look again and see it's says Kate :rolleyes:
Minds are funny.
First of all, I'm not saying he's fake but I came across this video and wanna hear your opinion about it.
Well wrestling a bull by the neck cannot be done. Its like trying to outrun a car or stop a bullet with your abs. Even with perfect technique, no amount of angular momentum can move something that's 10 times your weight and 10 times your strength (if you are the strongest man in the world).

The stunt was obviously staged. That doesn't mean Oyama was a fluke. He just needed marketing, and since we're still talking about the bull, he obviously got it in buckets. :)

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