Same Trick
Black Belt
Yes, Kimura was a judo teacher of Oyama, however Oyama was also tied to Sawai back in his judo days. Kimura probably get more attention because of his competition fame, and that he also practiced karate as a fellow karate student of Oyama.Thought Kimura taught Mas Oyama judo ?
Fun fact: In Karate Kid / Cobra Kai, Mr Miyagi was named after Chogun Miyagi (the founder of Goju Ryu) and the Miyagi-Do karate is Goju Ryu while Cobra Kai is Tang Soo Do ; I think they decided it should be Korean Karate because Thomas Ian Griffith (Terry Silver) is a black belt in taekwondo or because John Kreese and Terry Silver possibly fought in the Korea war ?
Karate Kid fun fact- the highly skilled karate master Fumio Demura was the fight choreographer and Pat Moritas stunt double in the KK saga - he did Shito-ryu