Did Karate rotate shoulder (not hip) for punch before Mas Oyama taught it to Karate's Tameshiwari?

Debates on arguments are supposed to work by providing counter-evidences, not fallacies including Ad Hominem fallacy. If that video of Gichin Funakoshi was taken before the time of Mas Oyama, and if he really showed shoulder-rotation, then I cancel my previous claim that Mas Oyama taught Korean hand strike to Karate.
Wait for it..... Wait for it...

There it is.. "still singing that same song."
Regular Karate strikes don't rotate shoulder. That's a fact.
You don't know what regular karate is.

However, if that video was published before Mas Oyama's time, then Karate has done irregular moves, rotating shoulder for punching.
How is this irregular? It's irregular in the context of your biased beliefs. From what I can tell people here kept telling that there was shoulder rotation. It's difficult to fight someone without rotating the shoulder every now and then.

Rightful "racism"
No such thing.
See? It is this guy that lingers on racism nonsense topic.
Only because you spew it.

And yes there is moral racism. It is not even racism, but it's a moral racism because I (or we in such case) shouldn't have to give up any right that makes us happy for someone else. There is moral racism.

I don't express racism. That guy is keep talking to me about it,
Yep that's my right and happiness. I'm not even mad or angry at you. like you said no one has the right to take away my happiness so you'll just have to deal with it .

Most likely (because you don't understand the mechanics or the training methods) you've misunderstood a drill. Many Japanese arts teach a restricted shoulder movement to contain structure within the stance. With beginners, this often means exaggerating how small the movement should be (having them practice smaller movement early, then relaxing the restrictions as they become skilled). So your conclusions were off because you didn't understand the subject you were examining.
He was there for only 1 year. There isn't much that students are going to understand with just 1 year of training. For those who have actually taught martial arts classes. One year is not even a drop in the bucket. At year one instructors are still trying to get students to get into proper stances.
What kind of truck are you thinking about?
Not this truck

This Truck

Go head to head with this one and your car isn't just going to stop. It will stop and go backwards as the truck continues to drive through it. I've seen the videos.. I've seen the videos. lol
Either, you can't go from having velocity in the forward direction to having Velocity in the other direction, with out going through an instant were you have zero velocity, or as it's other wise called, being stopped
Did Karate rotate shoulder (not hip) for punch before Mas Oyama taught it to Karate's Tameshiwari? Mas Oyama's Classic Karate page 157.

Mas Oyama's Classic Karate

It shows that you have to rotate shoulder for hand strike. Mas Oyama taught that hand strike to Karate. I've been claiming that Mas Oyama got that idea from Korean frontal hand strikes (from Korean Charyuk/Kihapsul/Kiaijutsu as well as Subak, Sibak, Gwonbeop). Did Karate rotate shoulder before Mas Oyama's era which would be 1950's? Karate just has hip rotation, doesn't it? So, Mas Oyama taught Korean hand strike to Karate's Tameshiwari/Breaking, didn't he?

Throughout this thread, we see you essentially attempting argumentum ad nauseum, while using a lot of false equivalence, appeals to ignorance, and circular reasoning to support a mind projection fallacy, of sorts, which I find odd, given that you don't train in martial arts--which is merely an observation, not an attack, for the record, as it is unusual for people who do not practice martial arts to become so invested in arguing the history and development of martial arts. That aside, I will just throw out there that, yes, karate absolutely utilized shoulder rotation prior to Mas Oyama even beginning training in karate, so the entire premise of this post is defunct from the start. Move along.