Voluntary Sex With Minors

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Bob Hubbard said:
Seriously though, maybe the definition of "Minor" is vague?

Yes and no, the definition of a minor is basically "Being under legal age; not yet a legal adult."

It is the age at which someone is considered a minor that varies from state to state.
So if I am dating a 16 yr old, and legally romping with her in my/her home state, but we visit friends in another state, are we still breaking the law? Remember, in both of our cases, under the laws of our home state, we're legally ok.
What if we're married?

(Mind you, I'm just tossing variations out here.)
Bob Hubbard said:
So if I am dating a 16 yr old, and legally romping with her in my/her home state, but we visit friends in another state, are we still breaking the law? Remember, in both of our cases, under the laws of our home state, we're legally ok.
What if we're married?
It would according to the law where the act occurred. By way of comparison, let's say you drove after having a few beers, but were under the legal limit for DWI in your home state. If you cross the border to a state with a stricter tolerance, you would be guilty of DWI there.

And in honor of my 2000th post: 2000 - Future Martial Talk owner Bob Hubbard is released from Mt Arkham Asylum. Doctors are said to be "cautiously optimistic" about his rehabilitation.

Xue Sheng said:
It still stands and Minor cannot give consent. It doesn't matter what state you are in a minor cannot give consent. What does change from state to state is what is considered a minor. But still a minor in any given state cannot grant consent.

And that is the crux of this debate. What you fail to realize is that in the "Four Corners" example, the couple in question is in four places at once. Four different sets of laws could apply. Each of them could define "Minor" in a different way and it would be entirely possible for a 17 year old to give consent and not give consent at the very same time under four different definitions. So, whose definition of what is right and wrong do we use?

Also, I believe that in some states a 17 year old is still consider a minor and it is also perfectly legal for her to consent to sex.
"2000 - Future Martial Talk owner Bob Hubbard is released from Mt Arkham Asylum. Doctors are said to be "cautiously optimistic" about his rehabilitation."

I miss the mashed potatoes they had.....
Bob Hubbard said:
So if I am dating a 16 yr old, and legally romping with her in my/her home state, but we visit friends in another state, are we still breaking the law? Remember, in both of our cases, under the laws of our home state, we're legally ok.
What if we're married?

(Mind you, I'm just tossing variations out here.)

If married I am guessing your ok, carry you license.

If not married, not ok. If it were imagine the motels in Border States and the business they would be getting. Now you may or may not be falling under a crossing state lines issue

I no longer pay attention to such things, I'm old and my kids are nowhere near old enough to drink little alone drive. But the drinking age in New York use to be 18 and Pennsylvania was 21. The bars in NY on the border had great business from the 18 to 21 age group. As did the places that sold beer. However if you were or were not from NY and you were caught in PA with beer or under the influence of alcohol you were charged as a minor in possession of or under the influence of alcohol. And Under age drinking, although a problem, is not taken as seriously as sex with a minor.

But to be honest basically you have to be caught in the act or someone has to witness it and report it.
upnorthkyosa said:
And that is the crux of this debate. What you fail to realize is that in the "Four Corners" example, the couple in question is in four places at once. Four different sets of laws could apply. Each of them could define "Minor" in a different way and it would be entirely possible for a 17 year old to give consent and not give consent at the very same time under four different definitions. So, whose definition of what is right and wrong do we use?.

Last time: It depends on which state they are caught in. You fail to realize that this is not subjective nor is it an arguable point the fact that sex may have started in a state where it is ok is irrelevant if it goes into a state it is not.

So the police in State A and C do not care but the Police in states B and D do. You cross the line to either of those state, to quote Monty python,”You’re nicked me beauty” and off to jail you go.

upnorthkyosa said:
Also, I believe that in some states a 17 year old is still consider a minor and it is also perfectly legal for her to consent to sex.

What states?

And 17 is a very sticky age.

But once again this entire thing is going WAY of the point of the article. This is in one state, Florida, it was in that state (Florida) they followed the laws of that state (Florida) and it was in that state (Florida) they considered the age of the minor in question to be not of legal age to consent to sex.

And we are talking about 12 to 15 year olds in Florida being solicited via computer by those from another state. And as much as you donÂ’t seem to want to face it, it is illegal. And there are no 4 corners of states involved and I feel perfectly comfortable saying a minor cannot consent to sex.

You have presented nothing that makes me change my mind here.
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G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Super Moderator
Kane said:
NO! Look bud, I am a little uncomfortable with homosexual sex, but I think it should be legal.

Well, you might become more comfortable with it if you ever end up in the slammer.

Yes, you are entltled to your opinions, as are everyone else. My opinion about anyone who would take advantage of an innocent can be best summed up by quoting Brian Dennehey (as the corrupt sheriff) in Silverado, when he said "...well, we're gonna give you a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging!"
Bob Hubbard said:
So if I am dating a 16 yr old, and legally romping with her in my/her home state, but we visit friends in another state, are we still breaking the law? Remember, in both of our cases, under the laws of our home state, we're legally ok.
What if we're married?

(Mind you, I'm just tossing variations out here.)

You fall under the laws of that state. If you are married, the state you are visiting is obligated to honour your marriage licence.
CanuckMA said:
You fall under the laws of that state. If you are married, the state you are visiting is obligated to honour your marriage licence.

I dont think so, to my knowledge all states have different marriage requirements. If one State chooses to recognize your marriage even if you are visiting is at their option. I know technically the do recognize just about anyone who is visiting, for example you are registered in Rhode Island but are visiting Indiana, but I do not think they are required to recognize your marriage.
FearlessFreep said:
If you are married in New Mexico, you are still married if you visit Colorado

Yeah, I am not sure if they are required to recognize your marriage, to my understanding, it is typically recognized by different states because typically states give full faith and credit to the decisions of other states, but not because you have some sort of right for New Mexico to recognize your marriage. Marriage is a state sovereignty issue.
Kane said:
One might say that "they deserve it" but is this really the case?...Should government criminalize any consenting behavior, between minors or not?...In these cases there is no force. Both individuals (the minor and the adult) are consenting to have sex with each other. There is no force and the minor could have backed off when he or she felt like it. ...but the people that are supposed to regulate a child are their parents, not the state. A parent should be the one who prevents their children from seeing people who they consider bad people by any means necessary (except abuse). Whether their parents don't want their kids to see an adult who wants to have sex with them, to real sexual predators, to just normal people who they just dislike, ect. this is the parent's responsibility, not the states. These types of laws not only threaten liberty but they also make parents irresponsible. It makes the parents lazy and too reliant on the government to be the parent. It is no wonder why parents are so irresponsible these days...Perhaps it has to do with the fact that a certain segment of society believes voluntary sex between a minor and an adult is immoral. But that is their opinion...What do you think?

I watched that show. Given that they were meeting up with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. Not woman mind you, a girl, I'd say yes, they deserve it. I guess I'm not to that stage of Buddhist understanding.

To answer the second question, the law has to step in sometime. Children (and to a lesser extent young adults) can't really process intense sexual experiences. And what is consent? Does a minor really understand what they are consenting to? Mentally, physically, emotionally? I would say that the vast majority DON'T.

Third point: you're living in a dream world, man. If the teen wouldn't give it up they'd get raped. Duh.

Fourth point: Look around. Parents ARE irresponsible. Parents ARE lazy.
Who is left to protect the child who born to dead-beat parents?

Fifth point: Our outlook on adult/minor sexual relations is mostly based on the general morality of our society. That really is a moot point, though. See my answer to the second question.

What do I think? That you are sadly idealistic.
Kane said:
Who are you to say that some men wouldn't stop if the minor decides they don't want to have sex?

Sorry to everyone in advance for insulting a poster, but... is this guy mental or something? I'm seeing thought processes that are very detatched from reallity.
Kane said:
Which brings me to another point. Do you really think boys after puberty think they have been abused when they have sex? I think our society is forgetting that boys don't usually think of it as "abuse" unless they are pre-adolescent. Just look at the numerous cases between the boys who voluntarily had sex with their teachers. They have no scars whatsoever and if anything they cherish it.
You have no clue what kind of effect sex with an adult has on adolescent boy. Yes, some are fine. Some need years of therapy to get thier head strait. Others become so screwed up they kill themselves.
How do I know this? Take a wild guess *******.
Kane said:
Which brings me to another point. Do you really think boys after puberty think they have been abused when they have sex? I think our society is forgetting that boys don't usually think of it as "abuse" unless they are pre-adolescent. Just look at the numerous cases between the boys who voluntarily had sex with their teachers. They have no scars whatsoever and if anything they cherish it.

Wow, how did I miss that statement?

And of course all the scandal that is and has been going on with the Catholic Church apparently didn't even enter into it when you asked this question.

The answer is in some cases YES they do believe they were abused, they do feel guilty and they sometimes suppress it because our society says men are tough.

And I suggest you read this response again too (the one just before this one and quoted here). Assuming you are reading any of them at all.

JBrainard said:
You have no clue what kind of effect sex with an adult has on adolescent boy. Yes, some are fine. Some need years of therapy to get thier head strait. Others become so screwed up they kill themselves.
How do I know this? Take a wild guess *******.

And more to the point of the post, an adult online, soliciting a child they KNOW to be younger than 16 is just plain WRONG and I have absolutely no problem saying that adult is a predator.
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-Mike Slosek
-MT Super Moderator-
MJS said:
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Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Super Moderator-

I apologize for my use of explatives. Kane's ignorant statements touched an old wound.
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