Yes, my suggestion is that parents step up, or we suffer the consequences. This is basic to freedom. It is not acceptable (to me) to argue that because parents won't, the government must. There is a third option; it's called failing. Freedom means freedom to suck too.
Bill, you keep going back to freedom. I think its safe to say I've said parents are free to do as they wish. As long as they're willing to accept the fact that their child may be a mom or dad alot sooner than they planned, and the parents will become grandparents sooner than they planned.
I'll go back to other things that're taught, such as history, math, science, etc. What if the parents didn't like the way history was taught in school? Fact is, there is little they can do to control whats taught, with the exception of home schooling. Even in a private school, its possible there may be things the parents dont like.
I dont believe I've ever said the school should be the sole source. I simply said that no matter who teaches it to the kids, someone should, as its something that could have a devastating effect on the kids life.
See my note about 'reasonable'. You don't see anything wrong with it. Many parents do. Their opinions don't matter?
See above. I think this is the way you are reading into it.
Yes, they would. And many parents think that teaching them about it is the same as encouraging them to do it, especially when accompanied by making free birth control and STD prevention available.
And some argue that it is far worse than teaching abstinence.
And what the closet dwellers fail to see, is that at some point in the kids life, they will do it. As I said, imagine this....parents raise their little princess to remain a virgin until she gets married. Fine, I have no issue with that.

The Princess is marrying a wonderful Prince, who is also a virgin. Again, I am perfectly ok with this.

Wedding night comes, and they decide to celebrate and have sex for the very first time. But, due to their lifestyle, ie: jobs, they like to go out and party 4 nights a week, etc., they dont want kids right now. Neither the princess or prince, know anything about bc because mom and dad were too proud to teach them. Now what?
And for what its worth, I had the birds and the bees chat with my mom. I had the chat about drinking and driving, drugs, the effects this stuff can have on not only the person ingesting it, but on the family, God forbid I drink/drive and get killed. I thank God every day for the way my mother raised me. She wasn't so closed minded to think that her son would never have sex before marriage or heaven forbid drink at a party. I'm still alive today Bill. No STDs, no little babies, no DUIs, yet I still went to a party, still hung with my friends, still had sex. Its a shame more people dont see the value in educating their kids.
Again, that's what you see as reasonable. If we were sitting around having a beer, I might well agree with you, that sounds pretty reasonable. But other parents disagree and they have the right to disagree. They also have the right, via the local school boards, to set standards based on local values. You are sidestepping my comments with regard to that. Do they have the right to set those local standards based on local values or not?
I didn't say the state has no right to dictate anything that is taught. The basics are well-recognized and required. This is our nod to a common public school education, and it establishes basic learning standards. These are testable and include things like reading, writing, civics, history, and so on. These basics are also the purview of the individual states, and local school boards set curricula. Many do not teach sex education because they do not want to.
I could not agree more with the above statements. We're in perfect agreement that if the school does not provide Sex Ed training, the parents should. Absolutely. When the parents fail in this basic duty, they really do harm to their children and to society through the costs that we will all have to absorb.
I just happen to be resistant to calls for government to intervene whenever 'something must be done' and no one is doing it. The government's duties do not include providing moral guidance to children regarding sex (and I do not believe that the moral aspect can be separated from the biological aspect). I agree that something must be done. I do not agree that the government must do it. Failing is an option in a free society.
And again Bill, you harp and misread what I say. Again...never said parents dont or shouldnt have rights. I think I've made my views clear, so I'm not rehashing again. If you can't or refuse to follow what I'm saying, I dont know what to tell ya.