Verbal lessons to defuse situtions? or Verbal training?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, Our martial arts is about learning skills to defend oneself and to learning how to fight back.

It is a process to build confidence and you are always taught to :NOT fight,avoid, awareness, and not get into bad situtions. (run)

How many of you have :Verbal training as a everyday training. Do you practice the verbal descalations, how to talk your way out of trouble?

Have you use the book "Verbal JUDO" and many of the things mention in them?
We need more of this type of training if the Teachers wants us to avoid bad situtions.

Do you have a program for this and how much of it is use in training? 20%...40% or less?

How important is this for YOU? and How many of you? ..would like to see more of this type of training?

How to win friends and Influence people, by Dale Carniege.
Verbal Judo.
and the many books on how to get along with animals (I mean people)...

What are you flavorate ways to avoid a accidently bump or road rage and things?
..........................Aloha .....(broke the mouth - in Hawaii, means the food was good! broke the mouth (from eating too much..)
Oooh good topic,

I have trained and do train people in this (one I still actually proficient at) I do not use that particular book.

I read/used, "Influence the art of persuasion." "Reading the body echo of the mind."

These are not SD books but books on sales and techniques used by sales people. I've found that to be more effective but I've never read your book I may do so.

When I did teach it I would teach about 10% but every SD drill that started with confrontation would start with verbal de-escalation. Then it was a random decision if the talking worked over physical. the students never knew it was a teacher only knoweldge.

We also practiced slow casual approaches where the attacker sucker / surprise attacks and no words work. I got them in the habit of screaming very loudly. "Stop, FIRE, Stop, Get Away, Don't Hurt Me."

That last one works well surprisingly even if a large guy is yelling it most people respond to what sounds like helplessness most people will at least LOOk to see how abusive the situation is.

If your thinking in a broader, always playing the game, self defense aspect. You are always using your words as part of that game. You can screw someones timing all up with a well placed comment.
We don't do it in class, but I study "self help" type stuff quite a lot as I work in a customer service environment. My work training actually covers placating people and getting out of situations. The basic books like "how to win friends and influence people" are really good for this.
Hello, There is a book called: Tongue Fu by Sam Horn, Great book and excellant reading. She also wrote other books on the same subject.

You will find it on : Amazon .com to order them besides ,Verbal Judo.

Is verbal /learning to how to talk your way out of trouble very important in the martial arts? If it is? ....many do not teach this.......Aloha

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