Verbal training?

Verbal is a part of all LEO training. It is part of the use of force continuum. It is up to the offender as to where it goes. Unless there is an all out situation in progress, presence and verbal will take you a long way. I feel that most DoJo lack this approach as part of their SD curriculum.
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Verbal is a part of all LEO training. It is part of the use of force continuum. It is up to the offender as to where it goes. Unless there is an all out situation in progress, presents and verbal will take you a long way. I feel that most DoJo lack this approach as part of their SD curriculum.

Are you suggesting we give presents to make them calm down?
Are you suggesting we give presents to make them calm down?
I will give them presence first, if that doesn't work, then that is the only presents they will get. From that point on it is compliance. I can always count on you to be the post police.
I think that this is a very good and a very important topic as it applies not only to our daily lives, but also to our self esteem and self confidence just as much if not more than the physical aspects of the martial arts and I think that both the Samurai and people like Bruce Lee would approve of such a topic as Bruce Lee once said that it is best to be like water.

It also tends to make me wonder as to how many people here are into NLP and psychology as I have seen a few posts relating to NLP and to books like Verbal Judo.

Another good book that I found that relates to verbal self defense is 'Tongue Fu' by Sam Horn and one other one that I found is 'The complete idiots guide to verbal self defense' by Dr. Lillian Glass.

I've also seen a few other books out there relating to toxic people, but at the moment I just can't remember as to who the author is and it is because of those books as well as my studies of things like psychology, NLP, Hypnosis, seduction, and attraction as well as my own personal experiences that I have really started to look at the topic of verbal self defense as well as my physical security as well.

For me the martial arts is something that I grew up with and like Chuck Norris mentioned in his book 'Against all odds' I basically grew up without a father and as a result I ended up turning to the martial arts for guidance. The only real difference between me and him in that respect is that for Chuck Norris it was the westerns, where for me it was the martial arts.
Hello, Physical defense...will always be a big part of everyone training

Most of us go on in life...facing verbal abuses..or situtions where we could have prevent certain situtions from getting worst!

Just that "VERBAL" training should be added in and practice more often...
There are many books out there...just NOT quite suited for our classes...

"How do you handle a drunk person"? there verbage we can apply from making the situtions worst?

etc....and so on...many different situtions...HOW can we handle them all?
without physical attractions....

Sure NOT all situtions...will end peacefully......YET? could it have been handle differenly (verbal)?

Aloha, Power of words stronger? or the power of the fist?

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