Isn't this like saying "Christianity is a peaceful religion. But don't allow abortions because people will die." ?
Do we shut down abortion clinics because of the odd fundienut?
Do we "shut down" this nutty preacher and his Koran bonfire?
I don't think many people here are saying "right on preacher!!!" I'm just saying what do you suggest?
I don't suggest 'shutting down' this preacher or his book-burning. I believe I said earlier that he has the right to do it, and I always back civil rights, even when the person or their exercise of their rights personally offends me.
I'm stating that this fellow and those who support him are effectively giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Their choice, but they're morons for so doing.
As to the people on this thread supporting this preacher, no, I don't see that either. I do see a lot of folks declaiming 'bending over backwards' for Muslims as a 'bad thing'. I presume these folks have a different understanding of 'bending over backwards' than I do. I didn't think that stabbing Muslim taxi drivers, burning Mosques, running Muslims off the road and side-swiping them with cars, firing shotguns near their Mosques and shouting anti-Muslim names, burning their holy books, or protesting Mosques near Ground Zero was 'bending over backwards for them'.