To repost what Tez linked to earlier, for a view from the other side of the Atlantic, this is how the on-line BBC is covering the matter:
Have a read and see how it gels with your own thoughts and experiences.
For me, as a personal observation, it is yet another log on the fire of my certainty that the human race would be far better off evolving out of it's need to place faith in invisible sky-friends ... such faith all too requently leading to mutually destructive conflicts over whose non-existent fantasy is the 'true' one.
One day, perhaps - if we survive that long as a species.
Have a read and see how it gels with your own thoughts and experiences.
For me, as a personal observation, it is yet another log on the fire of my certainty that the human race would be far better off evolving out of it's need to place faith in invisible sky-friends ... such faith all too requently leading to mutually destructive conflicts over whose non-existent fantasy is the 'true' one.
One day, perhaps - if we survive that long as a species.