"The problem is that you live in a democracy that says free speech is a right and unfortunately that mean people being able to say things that are hateful to others.”
I give thanks to God many times daily for my living where and when I do. Mean and ignorant people can say what they want and I have done much to guarantee that right continues. At the same time I reserve the right to call BS on them and their ideas. I mentioned earlier the speech that I stopped at to listen to. I did not try to shut them down or shout them down I left instead, I have also been to events to listen to views where others did try to shout down the speakers, ironically the shouters were college kids organized by groups such as the one in the OP. Free speech is not only a right but it is also a responsibility. People have a right to be hateful and mean and also ignorant and stupid just as other people have the right to reveal that ignorance and meanness and the responsibility of good citizenship to do so while still respecting the others right to voice their opinions.
“This organisation is basically allowed to say what it wants but and it's a big but if it then starts taking actions which are against the law then you can close then down.”
I am a private citizen so I can not close them or others down. I can stay informed. I can also observe and report. But even more important I can discuss their ideas and my ideas and show the differences between them.
“I think you may have got the wrong idea about CCTV in the UK. It's certainly not on every street corner, it's mostly confined to cities and then places where occurrances are likely. CCTV is also used as it is in the States in shops, banks and on some motorways.”
Likely I do. I have never been to England and have no plans of going anytime soon. I have seen the CCTV of your subway bombers and I have seen the CCTV of street and traffic cameras and have read about the great number of high tech cameras over there. We have CCTV here as well, but not near so many or technically advanced. A few traffic cameras at the chock points in traffic which are mostly unmanned and used for news traffic reports, A few at public buildings such as court houses and airports and a very few in high crime areas. I do not think it is a privacy issue but a financial issue and political will, as I am sure that many in our government would like many more cameras. Most of the CCTV in shops, banks and the like are privately owned and the government has no mandatory access with out a court order and those are very difficult to get. Is the CCTV footage over there mainly controlled by the government or by private persons?
“Internet discussions rarely produce reasonable and constructive arguments”
LOL that is true and with the usual understatement the British are known for LOL I can whole heartedly agree yet, that is no reason to at least try, wouldnÂ’t you agree?
“The British soldier has a huge propensity to fight, anyone, anywhere, they're not that fussed who, though a favourite is the Royal Military Police but then we all like a pop at them lol!”
I have noticed this propensity among the British and not just her soldiers. And God bless them and it. That is what makes a good enemy become a good friend. The honesty to stand up and say bring it. To be willing to fight at the drop of a hat and to be willing to drop that hat at any moment is a strength. One both our countries peoples are lucky to have in abundance. It has changed the world I believe for the better and is needed as much today as any other time in our histories.
Thanks for the English lessons. Words and their meaning fascinate me.
I do not think and certainly can not speak for Mr. E that his reasons for posting the topic are malicious but rather he felt the need to try to educate on what for some is an emotional topic. I do not hear the yell to shut them down but to rather notice what they are saying and doing and give appropriate weight to their views and actions. The kind of attention and honest debate all to rare in todayÂ’s Politically Correct world.
Brian King