US Protests spread to 1000 cities

Sorry, the more I hear about these protests, the more solidly they seem to be just an excuse for slacker losers to gather, *****, whine, break ****, and act like thugs while spouting empty, barely thought our ideals, most of which are mutually exclusive, fail to understand basic economics, or which would turn the US into a Soviets wet dream. They fail at math, they fail at bathing, they just fail. IF they had businesses of their own they'd see just how wrong they are, but hey, when you're living on your 3rd year of tax payer assistance and haven't bothered to try for 2 of the 3, you have lots of time to hang out in parks with other clueless losers and slackers.
Yeah, losers. Occupy Wallstreet are losers in my opinion. I wouldn't join them if you paid me to.

Yes the country's got issues, but they don't have the answers. That makes them part of the problem in my book.
Ripe for some kind of charismatic leader. A messiah. When do they stop chanting and start building bombs?
That is my big concern here. I easily see this turning into an armed revolution. Or just a bunch of violent riots. Neither is something I want. Another possibility is civil war. If that comes, I won't even pick a side. I'll be finding a different country.
That is my big concern here. I easily see this turning into an armed revolution. Or just a bunch of violent riots. Neither is something I want. Another possibility is civil war. If that comes, I won't even pick a side. I'll be finding a different country.
I'll pack my crap and head to Canada. I've got no problem with civil war, but it'd be nice if people knew why they were fighting.
You are assuming Canada would let you in...

Regardless, I was actually on site today. I'm telling you that it wasn't anything like the way the media represented it. Ron Paul is greatly respected at this place. That is really the underground theme. And there is no way the MSM is going to say that!
I'm the type of guy who might get lynched there. A devout objectivist, capitalist with 2 jobs. Nah, I won't be standing in the street complaining about lack of employment while not looking for a job or asking for government for handouts so I can sit in a park throwing slurs at some of the institutions that produce money.
I've been out of work and trying to go out and FIND work whenever/however I can (including hours on the net applying here and there and filling out (feels like) 1000 question applications and all that. I'm no slacker, if there's a job and the pay is equal to the work that's involved then I'm all over it. I worked at my last job for a good two years before losing it. Now I'm searching again...
However, no unemployment, no disability (hearing impaired), basically nothing except an occasional under the table "here's a few bucks, thanks for helping out" jobs I've done. High gas prices (am I whining yet??) preventing me from being able to put more than a few gallons into my gas tank so that I can at least go out and LOOK for places that are going to hire (as opposed to "accepting applications") ... (am I whining yet??) let alone even FILL up my tank to which it would last longer through the week giving more time, greater search area(s) to look for work. No bus or public transportation that goes out to/from my area at all. Everywhere around me hasn't hired since before the last storm in April which tore up quite a few buildings/businesses. (am I whining yet?... am I a slacker now?), so no-one is or has done any hiring or doesn't have any "use for me".
I've been doing the best job search that I can for the last 7 months. The longer I stay unemployed the harder it's going to be to find work... especially if some companies are not hiring anyone who is unemployed but looking for applicants who want to switch companies... (scratches head on that one since high unemployment figures would make this particular move inadvisable and illogical to boot... low unemployment figures would seem a good (safe) time to do this). Am I whining yet?

I don't like those who just want to protest because it gets them out of the responsibility of LOOKING for a job. I can do without those types myself alright. Yet I'm pretty close to wanting to join those protesters in an attempt to get my voice heard as well. Does that make me a slacker?
I know you weren't pointing fingers Omar so I'm not getting into your face or anyone else's. Just I hate reading about how it's better to just "find a job" and quit protesting. A portion of our population is out of work. Current administration talks about a job plan but the opposition is asking where do we get the money? Hey the answer is taxes and everyone who DOES work throws a fit. As long as I was working I didn't care about paying taxes much, I worked, and at the first of the year I get my W-2's fill it out send it in and get a refund and okay lather, rinse, repeat. But I'm NOT working right now. Does that cancel out the two years of taxes I've paid out? Oh sure I haven't paid 10-15-20 years worth so well... just tough cookies for me.

Ripe for some kind of charismatic leader. A messiah. When do they stop chanting and start building bombs?

My heart/gut tells me we won't have Chicago '68, or Selma, Watts or Washington D.C. type rioting going on. Yet seems that is the popular trend going on elsewhere on the planet. Perhaps a little revolution is a good thing now-and-again.
What's frustrating is that (almost all of us) hung on a man's promise of CHANGE and it's not happening like HE said it would and well, we're getting kinda impatient waiting on it when deep down inside we're realizing that WE (the people) are the one who put this smooth talking politician (aren't they all?) into office and whell... gee. Gas prices went up, unemployment went up, big major banks got bailed out ... banks... the ones funded by a single larger bank needed bail outs... then we find those ones who got the monies for the bail out used it for themselves to compensate for their loss of salary... (the ole' gotta pay yourself first adage). Then wars and more wars and we're fricken starting them. Terrorists started it? Umm we can go around the revolving door on this one but we don't need thousands of troops to hunt down and kill several hundred leaders. We've outsted a tyrant and mass murderer that's good, time to move on... we've killed a major head of a terrorist organization and a couple of his 2nds ... good move on... no need to stay in a particular area... go to where they're hiding.

Damn I'm getting tired...
Point is our country needs fixing and fixing bad or we're going to be too poor to launch a decent defense and we're spread out all over too much to effectively defend.
Perhaps I'm being naive or just too much forest for the trees but point is... our country needs fixing. Far too many are flying under the radar making billions in this country. I'm not saying distribute the wealth equally, I'm saying (for myself at least) Stop making so much money that to take a cut in salary would require your business (banks are businesses) to ask for a bail out.
Ranting raving... bla bla bla bla... when are they going to stop spending and start working for their money and making their money WORK?

I am getting closer to my father in his outlook as I get older. He hated hippies; I didn't understand why. Now I do. I understand the threat to my society, to my way of life. I don't like the economic situation; I don't like the way the future looks. But I really do not like this nonsense.

These morons do not speak for me. They'd better quit claiming they do. And they had really better stay the F out of my way.
Those morons do not speak for me either, and yeah I too can see why our dads didn't like the hippies of the 60's, I've lived among their offspring for a time and can't say I liked it a lot, a little now and again because some of them really were good people. But unlike them I liked the respect I got when I was working and making money at a regular job. But as I mentioned I'm out of work and thus given labels of slacker, loser, lazy, irresponsible (taking care of two elderly disabled parents while I'm at it), and whatever else, gives one a nice inferiority complex because I didn't finish high-school (got a GED instead) and had to drop out of college so I don't have that nice piece of paper hanging on my wall letting prospective employers know that I didn't tell my education to f-off so many times that they threw me out, which means I won't tell THEM to f-off.

I'll pack my crap and head to Canada. I've got no problem with civil war, but it'd be nice if people knew why they were fighting.
My gf and I have discussed leaving the country should the SHTF :s492:, but more-n-likely we're not going to be able to afford it. It would be nice to know what people are fighting for, for a change that would be really neat to actually understand and appreciate and support whatever the cause is and feeling good about it because it's a good cause. Helping other countries that are unable to help themselves is a very noble and righteous thing to do... but right now well, WE are in trouble and WE need to take care of OUR problems before we can continue to help with others and their problems.


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If you all who are decrying the efforts of these (albeit misdirected and in many cases misguided protestors) are yourselves happy with the condition that your national economy, and the wider global economy is now in (through absolutely no fault of your own), then no, you should not protest.

Those of you who suggest protestors are not presenting solutions and are therefore presenting only problems are partially correct. However few if any top economists view the global economy as being rescuable from the inevitable impending catastrophe that is set to strike every one of us. For that, exactly what solution is there? Further, many here are recitent towards adopting change, yet to suggest that our current financial and socio-political systems are working to our benefit is peculiar. To continue to support the status quo within those systems I would suggest might teeter on self-destructive.

While I have heard little sense in these protestors individually, I would be stupider than I am to expect anything other from them. Why? Because these are ordinary punters. Why would I expect them to have thought through complex financial solutions to problems that even the IMF and BoE declare are catastrophic and are pushing us towards a global recession the likes of which we have not experienced?

Further, now these protests are infiltrated by everyone from every side of the political puzzle through actors and idiot celebs to millionaire mouthpieces like Michael Moore et al and all for their own specific egocentric ends.

The protests are a farce. I suggest to them all that they go occupy theirselves.


Mobs are by definition not thorougly organised. There is no single voice here, let alone a voice of reason. Still, they are protesting the condition of their nation as they see it. They feel helpless. What else are they to do? As I say, if you feel your world and your nation is doing ok by you then of course you have no need to protest anything.
I'll pack my crap and head to Canada. I've got no problem with civil war, but it'd be nice if people knew why they were fighting.
I'll pass on civil war. One war in my lifetime was enough. I would have to have a very good reason to do that.
Here is a basic flaw in the logic being used: "If you are dissatisfied with the way our economy is going, you must support these protesters." Yes, I am dissatisfied, but no, that does not mean I must support these numskulls.

Another variant apparently posits that if all the solutions tried so far have yielded negative results, then this must be the solution. Uh, no.

And the final insult to logic is the exasperated utterance, "Well, we have to do something." No, we do not. If we are on fire, pouring gasoline on ourselves is 'doing something', but it's not very smart. We do not have to do anything if we cannot do the right thing.
There is so much that has happened to this country since 9/11, since Bush took office through the current President. There is allot people are upset about, bad economy no one is fixing, the "Yes, we can" was really, "Yes, we can do nothing." I've already blame Bush for his leadership and the mess we are in, the Banks, WallStreet, who capitalize on greed and failure. People losing homes and livelihoods. Homes being foreclosed, people still losing their jobs people still stuck in the in the cycle of layoffs and the repeated long unemployment periods, since Clinton. Affordable health care for individuals and small business'. Being able to make ends meet. Established small business owners struggling under the constant weight of failure and bankruptcy. Protesters disorganized, slackers, etc. Pure political rhetoric and propaganda to maintain the "New World Order" of greed, goverment abuse, and economic failure. There is a lot of things people are dissatisfied about. And conservatives like Gingrich calling the protest as a result of Obama's class warfare, and democrats like Pelosi paying at best lips service support shows support for business as usual. That the current path we are on is ok by them. What kills me is the support for both parties B.S. by the media against the protesters convincing many people protesting is wrong, degrading the protests who at least have the nuts to protest. These people are not drinking the kool aid.

Hey if conservatives are calling it class warefare, and the democrats doing nothing to change things, both sides not wanting change, not speaking against the protest, and the media pushing that agenda, doing the bidding, it is an obvious slap in the face things need to change. Thank God some people have the nuts to due the American thing, to exercise their freedom to protest (peacefully) against the condition of this country and the government. It is long over due, organized or not, morons or not. At one time this country was taxed on tea, that caused a momentous revolution, changing and giving birth to this country. Something we have forgotten.

Thomas Jefferson 3rd President (1801-1809) said, periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.”
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There is so much that has happened to this country since 9/11, since Bush took office through the current President. There is allot people are upset about, bad economy no one is fixing, the "Yes, we can" was really, "Yes, we can do nothing." I've already blame Bush for his leadership and the mess we are in, the Banks, WallStreet, who capitalize on greed and failure. People losing homes and livelihoods. Homes being foreclosed, people still losing their jobs people still stuck in the in the cycle of layoffs and the repeated long unemployment periods, since Clinton. Established small business owners struggling under the constant weight of failure and bankruptcy. Protesters disorganized, slackers, etc. Pure political rhetoric and propaganda to maintain the "New World Order" of greed, goverment abuse, and economic failure. There is a lot of things people are dissatisfied about. And conservatives like Gingrich calling Obama's class warfare, and democrats like Pelosi paying at best lips service support shows there is a class warfare going on. What kills me is the support for both parties B.S. by the media against the protest convincing many people protesting is wrong, degrading the protests who at least have the nuts to protest. These people are not drinking the kool aid.

Not every problem has a government solution. Government may have gotten us into this problem, but that does not mean that government can get us out.

In the meantime, these protesters are imbeciles of the first water. The fact that we have problems does not grant them legitimacy. Another group that sees we are in trouble, thinks they know the reason, and offers protest to speak about it is Fred Phelps' "God Hates Fags" group. They, likewise, have not 'drunk the koolaid'. Just because a group is protesting and offensive does not mean they have a legitimate point.

The concept "Look, these guys are different and bold! We must listen to them and show them respect," is not logical, it's based on pure emotion. I reject it. Lots of morons are different and bold and not worthy of respect.
Not every problem has a government solution. Government may have gotten us into this problem, but that does not mean that government can get us out.

In the meantime, these protesters are imbeciles of the first water. The fact that we have problems does not grant them legitimacy. Another group that sees we are in trouble, thinks they know the reason, and offers protest to speak about it is Fred Phelps' "God Hates Fags" group. They, likewise, have not 'drunk the koolaid'. Just because a group is protesting and offensive does not mean they have a legitimate point.

The concept "Look, these guys are different and bold! We must listen to them and show them respect," is not logical, it's based on pure emotion. I reject it. Lots of morons are different and bold and not worthy of respect.

Government is by the people for the people, it is to govern. It is not to create problems, have it's own interests, or sit on it's hands while thousands of people have lost homes, jobs, business and all the while have us drink the kool aid. The problem is the political bi-partisan us against them mentality where at the core it is a "New World Order" that is going to lead us to a third world. My God, man, we are almost there, our country was brought to its knees because of greed and associated incompetence. Far worse that a bunch of " disorganized morons" protesting from emotion. Hell, anger, dissatisfaction, is pure emotion. How do you think the Tea Party was started, Spock and a bunch of Vulcans sat around a table logically forming the Tea way. It was people who were emotionally motivated for change.

The change has to start somewhere, with someone. And it has. How effective will it be, how successful the powers be will shut it down and we will go back to being mindless drones, with no emotion, no passion, just dead-pan faced complacency, waving mechanically worn out faded pom-poms in the air for our illusionary political side. Time will tell. But the protest could solidify into a growing movement that could result in significant change. The government sure in hell ain't doing a damn thing, but for it's self. That is including both parties. I fear no change, and neither do they (those people joining in the protest all over the country who have loss, who are dissatisfied with the government and the economy), no matter how we devalued they are. The louder and stronger the protest against the protesters become, the more impact the protesters are having.
Government is by the people for the people, it is to govern. It is not to create problems, have it's own interests, or sit on it's hands while thousands of people have lost homes, jobs, business and all the while have us drink the kool aid.
Did government force people to buy houses they couldn't afford?
The problem is the political bi-partisan us against them mentality where at the core it is a "New World Order" that is going to lead us to a third world.
My God, man, we are almost there, our country was brought to its knees because of greed and associated incompetence. Far worse that a bunch of " disorganized morons" protesting from emotion. Hell, anger, dissatisfaction, is pure emotion. How do you think the Tea Party was started, Spock and a bunch of Vulcans sat around a table logically forming the Tea way. It was people who were emotionally motivated for change.

The change has to start somewhere, with someone. And it has. How effective will it be, how successful the powers be will shut it down and we will go back to being mindless drones, with no emotion, no passion, just dead-pan faced complacency, waving mechanically worn out faded pom-poms in the air for our illusionary political side. Time will tell. But the protest could solidify into a growing movement that could result in significant change. The government sure in hell ain't doing a damn thing, but for it's self. That is including both parties. I fear no change, and neither do they (those people joining in the protest all over the country who have loss, who are dissatisfied with the government and the economy), no matter how we devalued they are. The louder and stronger the protest against the protesters become, the more impact the protesters are having.

Who ever made that is someone gulping kool aid out of aid pitcher. Flow charts like these are for those who need it worked out for them. I hate mindless idiotic crap like this. Whomever created this must have stayed up all night working on this brilliant master piece of..... -LOL with the right touch of sarcasm.
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There are allot of people out there who lost homes because they where 1. greedy and wanted a better home, or just a home. 2. ignorant / inexperienced an ill advised understanding the loan and home buying process, i.e. an ARM (which is a trap set up to make loan institutions $$$$$) and not reading or understanding that tricky bank jargon in the fine print. But they didn't play pocket pull financially masturbating the loans, nor make poor decisions with short sightedness knowing better, ignoring the writing on the wall that drove us into financial ruin. Who allowed them all of sudden that then, and not before than, they were qualified? And who said it would boost the economy to do so?
Government is by the people for the people, it is to govern. It is not to create problems, have it's own interests, or sit on it's hands while thousands of people have lost homes, jobs, business and all the while have us drink the kool aid.

I repeat, not every problem has a government solution. Put in other terms, the government cannot fix every problem, nor should it try to fix problems it cannot fix.

The problem is the political bi-partisan us against them mentality where at the core it is a "New World Order" that is going to lead us to a third world. My God, man, we are almost there, our country was brought to its knees because of greed and associated incompetence. Far worse that a bunch of " disorganized morons" protesting from emotion. Hell, anger, dissatisfaction, is pure emotion. How do you think the Tea Party was started, Spock and a bunch of Vulcans sat around a table logically forming the Tea way. It was people who were emotionally motivated for change.

As I keep stating, I think the Tea Party is a bunch of kooks too. Quit assuming that because I think the Wall Street protesters are morons, I must just LOVE me some Tea Party morons instead. Morons are morons.

The change has to start somewhere, with someone.

That's knee-jerk crap, as I've stated. Gee, draining people's blood didn't cure the plague. Maybe hitting them with dead fish will work. Hey, change has to start somewhere! No, if the 'change' is stupid, just championing it because it is new is not only not logical, it's stupid.

And it has. How effective will it be, how successful the powers be will shut it down and we will go back to being mindless drones, with no emotion, no passion, just dead-pan faced complacency, waving mechanically worn out faded pom-poms in the air for our illusionary political side. Time will tell. But the protest could solidify into a growing movement that could result in significant change. The government sure in hell ain't doing a damn thing, but for it's self. That is including both parties. I fear no change, and neither do they (those people joining in the protest all over the country who have loss, who are dissatisfied with the government and the economy), no matter how we devalued they are. The louder and stronger the protest against the protesters become, the more impact the protesters are having.

Yes, that's my concern; they're having impact. That's why I want these protests shut down, by force if necessary. Enough of this garbage.
It's not the governments job to give you a job.
The government doesn't create jobs. Not 1 politician other than FDR created 'jobs'. Outside of actually working for the government in a bureaucracy they created.
You create jobs by stimulating the growth of small businesses. You stimulate them by getting out of their way, by making it easier for them to find funds, a place of operations, and so forth.
These small businesses IF they are successful, grow, then need increased resources, including additional people.

What has the government done?
- Dried up small business funds.
- Sought to raise taxes on the owners
- Removed tax credits
- Decreased funding and support for 'development zones'
- Increased 'Employer Contributions' on the tax side, and the health care side.
- Increased regulations
- Increased complexity of the tax code requiring even more record keeping.

Local governments (state and smaller) have also "helped" by doing the same.

I'm sorry, but I could use with less "help" from the government. Every time they 'stick it to the rich', I end up paying more in taxes, have more red tape to wade through, have more things I have to 'discover' to avoid a tax 'gotcha'. Sorry, but no thanks.

I've said this before. I'll say it again. Someone give me $75,000. I'll open a studio and hire 4 people. 1 would be my wife which will create an opening in another company for a manager. I know people with 2+ jobs. I know career changers. Motivated people thinking outside the box are finding work, starting businesses, and surviving, some even thriving. No, not all areas are great. Some areas are devoid of job ops. Your options are start something yourself or move I'm afraid. I read Monster/Jobs/Dice/Yahoo etc daily. Very little popping up under my search terms. What does pop up I'm not qualified to do. Sucks. That's why I'm self employed, run 2 businesses with 6 different income streams. Looking to expand and add 2 more soon. I ain't rich, but I pay income tax and I'm surviving so far.

Wall Street isn't greedy, it's over regulated, over manipulated, over stimulated, and over bailed out. All companies should rise and fall on their own merits, and when they fall, let them. They fall for a reason. Lack of demand, mis management, etc.

Makalakumu, you're in NYC?
Bill I understand, not every problem is solved by the government. That isn't the problem, it is the government making problems. Hey, I too agree with the Tea Party being odd balls, and God forbid they get someone into the presidency. But, you can't dismiss their passion, their emotion, their dissatisfaction of people who came together and are noticed. Who do have some influence. My point is motivation comes the heart not the head. You think the protesters dumping tea into the Boston Harbor made a logical decision, and acted rationally to taxation, and going against Colonial legislation? Where these protesting colonist intellects and professionals, No, it was an emotional reaction made my disorganized "idiots" against something the ruling government. That incident sparked change. One of the, if not the greatest moments in American history. This country was started by slackers who didn't want to pay more for freaking tea!

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