The nazi brown shirts, national socialists, were socialists, and the red shirts were socialists. The theme in Germany was "first brown then red." Still amazes me that people will acknowledge the horrors of the national socialists and then in the same breath ignore their brothers, the international socialists, who murdered more people in more countries over more time. Both sets of socialists wanted the government in control to make things either better or more fair. We've seen how that turned out everywhere it was tried. Don't worry Tez, it won't sneak up on me. I don't want the government to have any more control than the smallest amount they need to do what is constitutionally mandated. You, however, have already ceded to the government your healthcare and ever more of your daily affairs. Who needs to be more on watch?
I am considering opening up a new business here in chicago and I might be interested in starting franchises in other cities. This year the G8 is coming to Chicago so I thought, why not make some money. I would like to set up some stands to sell light weight, throwable, garbage cans, that have the structural integrity to go through a starbucks window in one try. I am also thinking of selling hoodies and bandanas to help the thugs hide their identities. Those Guy Fawkes masks seem to be hot ticket items so of course we'll sell those. Any other ideas to increase sales to these thugs?