OWS drops the 'peaceful protest' charade

Do you know who the black shirts were and what happened to them?

They used new Tide with Bleach and ended up an embarrassed bunch of pink shirts?

Sorry, long day, had to make 1 smartass comment. I'll behave now. :)
Really, you think we ignore things we have greater knowledge of than you? You really have no idea what socialists are, you just think in terms of 'reds under the beds' and 'better dead than red'. Funny how freedom loving people elect socialist governments and actually get freedom, prosperity, their own businesses as well as big businesses and have less governmental control than your country has. It must be so shocking to you that you prefer to ignore the truth.
Do you know who the black shirts were and what happened to them?

Depends on which blackshirts you refer to.

England: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Union_of_Fascists
Albania: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_Fascist_Party
India: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackshirts_(India)

Personally, when I think of Blackshirts, I think of the UK and Oswald Mosley. The Blackshirts were banned in 1940 in the UK, and Mosley and followers were imprisoned during WWII. Afterwards, Mosley reformed his group, under the 'Union Movement' groups. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Movement One of the few of Mosley's ideas to have been revived in recent times is the anti-immigrant movement. Mosley was a notorious anti-Semite, but moreover, he disliked the idea of England losing its national identity and heritage due to the influx of foreign immigrants who brought their own ways and manners and refused to assimilate and become 'English'. In this last instance, his ideals live on today.
Really, you think we ignore things we have greater knowledge of than you? You really have no idea what socialists are, you just think in terms of 'reds under the beds' and 'better dead than red'. Funny how freedom loving people elect socialist governments and actually get freedom, prosperity, their own businesses as well as big businesses and have less governmental control than your country has. It must be so shocking to you that you prefer to ignore the truth.
Do you know who the black shirts were and what happened to them?

Ignore; double post unintentional.
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Depends on which blackshirts you refer to.

England: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Union_of_Fascists
Albania: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_Fascist_Party
India: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackshirts_(India)

Personally, when I think of Blackshirts, I think of the UK and Oswald Mosley. The Blackshirts were banned in 1940 in the UK, and Mosley and followers were imprisoned during WWII. Afterwards, Mosley reformed his group, under the 'Union Movement' groups. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Movement One of the few of Mosley's ideas to have been revived in recent times is the anti-immigrant movement. Mosley was a notorious anti-Semite, but moreover, he disliked the idea of England losing its national identity and heritage due to the influx of foreign immigrants who brought their own ways and manners and refused to assimilate and become 'English'. In this last instance, his ideals live on today.

Exactly, and he used violence to put his views across. I think he would have put the Celts ( Scots, Welsh, Irish and Cornish) in concentration camps along with everyone else who opposed him including obviously the Jewish population. His Black shirts used violence to silence any who protested against him, beating some very badly. However when he tried to impose himself in London as a prelude to taking over the country completely the people stopped him, literally at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cable_Street. I know many people who were there.

The right wing fascist groups who try to carry his message on still try to use violence, Combat 18 the 'military wing' of the National Front and the British National Party turns up regularly at various events such as other peoples demos and try to cause problems. We are still fighting those fascist and their wishes to turn this country into something vile. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/oct/02/far-right-tower-hamlets-racism

The subject of 'English' identity is a interesting and convuluted one, it's far too big a subject to derail this thread with. I will say though that the British are a 'mongrel' race, if race we be, we have taken in strangers to our shores since time immemorial, there is no 'pureness' no blond haired, blues eyed ideal here. we still say the the fascists and their ilk 'shall not pass'.
The subject of 'English' identity is a interesting and convuluted one, it's far too big a subject to derail this thread with. I will say though that the British are a 'mongrel' race, if race we be, we have taken in strangers to our shores since time immemorial, there is no 'pureness' no blond haired, blues eyed ideal here. we still say the the fascists and their ilk 'shall not pass'.

Please note I was not the one leading the charge to derail the thread. I was talking about the similarity in methods between OWS & Anonymous versus the Nazis & the SS. Someone kept insisting we talk about whether or not the SS was left-wing or right-wing like that matters when doing a comparison of methods. :)
Please note I was not the one leading the charge to derail the thread. I was talking about the similarity in methods between OWS & Anonymous versus the Nazis & the SS. Someone kept insisting we talk about whether or not the SS was left-wing or right-wing like that matters when doing a comparison of methods. :)

I know it wasn't you! I think it's important to have things put in proper persepective, it's also important to know or find out who or what is actually behind the OWS violence (as opposed to who are just backing the OWS protests). If you are to stop the violence you have to cut the correct head off, if you don't you will be fighting a hydra. If Bili is constantly blaming the left for every sin under the sun and others do the same you are going to have a hard time stopping the movement and putting an end to the violence. If you refuse to see that the right can be equally culpable you risk escalation of violence as not only police clash with groups but the various groups clash with other.

Also throwaway comments purporting to be amusing at the expense of those who have suffered and killed by said right wing regimes are signs that some aren't taking the situation as seriously as it should be. Unless of course they want the anarchists to run the country? That would be interesting.

The right wing Nazis didn't start with the same methodology as the OWS, they worked far more insidiously and with Teutonic efficiency. The left wing communists ( not the socialists) also work in a methodical way, the OWS is the brand name of anarchists who actually don't subscribe to any particular political agenda whioch leaves them open to being manipulated. I'm not spouting conspiracy theories here but having protestors like that smashing up, for some a hated enemy's country, has to be something they can be pleased about. I've no doubt your security services are busy conjuring with this investigation right now.