dobermann said:
as being not american, i see that the U.S. has done the one or other thing that turned against them in future. like financining bin-laden, giving WMD to iraq and other ventures..
maybe you think i am a european, ignorant dickhead, maybe you are right. but things that happened to poor civilians and brave soldiers on homeland and different countries is a lot selfinduced. i dont say its "americans" in general, but the government has done a lot of f***-ups. sometimes it worries me a lot. look at the nuclear war thread. or scholars for 911. maybe thats already BS, but still. torture for freedom? pre-emptive strikes? hey man, get real, if i was hit "pre-emptively" you would have to expect an answer. and if it was planes..
how come the almighty US want to hand over their ports (remember the USS "whatever that name was" <- ignorant european), to the nation that most terrorists from 911 were from. this is weird!.
as being not american, i see that the U.S. has done the one or other thing that turned against them in future. like financining bin-laden, giving WMD to iraq and other ventures..
As being American I can tell you that the U.S. government, under this and pretty much all previous administrations, has done things that ended up running counter to our own ideals and best-interest in the long run. As being an American who reads and pays attention to world events, however, I can tell you that we are in NO way alone in these types of mistakes and that we hardly lead the way in these errors. It happens to all countries and governments....because they're all lead by Human beings. We just hope to learn from these things and alter our choices in the future based on previous experience. Failure in these things is NOT an "American" problem, it's a Human problem.
Last I knew, European governments were also lead by Human beings who make mistakes. One issue is, however, being the last remaining superpower, our actions are spot-lighted on the world stage...and because of that power...our mistakes tend to have some pretty strong consequences.
maybe you think i am a european, ignorant dickhead, maybe you are right.
Huh?? I do think you're a European....because you've said so. Ignorant? Maybe. Should I also now think you are a "Dickhead" ...because you've said so?
It doesn't make any sense to get all personal in this. It makes even less sense to use this false self belittlement in trying to make this point. I don't think it's an error in language but in judgement and taste.
IF you are a "dickhead" (not a very mature term)...keep it to yourself.
things that happened to poor civilians and brave soldiers on homeland and different countries is a lot selfinduced.
OK.... the things that happen to brave soldiers is self induced. Come on, employ some logic here. OF COURSE what happens to a soldier is brought about by his and his governments actions. If I sign up for military service (which is very commendable!) then I KNOW that I'm offering to put myself in harms way, to do dangerous work that doesn't just have the chance but the probability of life threatening danger. Fine. Self induced.
But: as an American who lost someone (a poor civilian) who was in the 2nd Tower on 911, I'd
LOVE to hear how what she did (go to work, be an American, live responsibly) brought about her terrible death. PLEASE.... elaborate. What did she do to "self-induce" the plane that tore through her floor of the 2nd tower??? HINT: If you say she brougt it on herself, if you can't or won't validate what you said...then my opinion, would only scratch the surface of accuracy!
i dont say its "americans" in general, but the government has done a lot of f***-ups.
Of course you don't. Not "in general". I suppose that Switzerland would do SO much better at everything if THEY had as much power, clout and decision making gravitas as the United States does...right? You've claimed that we'd think you were a dickhead and ignorant.... but you don't judge us...generally....huh??
I will lack congruency.
look at the nuclear war thread.
Tell me what about the 'nuclear war thread' concerns you and applies in this manner. IF you are going to reference something else, then QUOTE it and explain. I'm not going to go do some research just because you're not able to formulate thoughts and make a point with it but just want to try to make a point by saying "Go look here".
No. Make your point...
or don't.
scholars for 911. maybe thats already BS, but still.
If it's "BS" then Why apply it here? If it's bunk then it's bunk and doesn't support anything you say...just another thing for you to point at and say "Look here". ...and then when we look there, we'll see "BS"?
..but still.
pre-emptive strikes? hey man, get real, if i was hit "pre-emptively" you would have to expect an answer. and if it was planes..
Pre-emptive strikes are not launched at a person, nor a country, in which they were not themselves giving Every indication that they meant to strike out themselves. That's what makes it "Pre-emptive".... look the word up, it means to prevent them from taking action.
Also: IF you were hit by the United States of America "Preemptively"... then you'd first have things w/in your borders just Blow up....important things, needful things...major roads, bridges, communications, power, air strips....etc.. This would be done by dozens of special forces types that would already be IN your country. Then there'd be laser guided missles, Tommahawks.... powerful missles that'd be fired from hundreds of miles away at sea, hit you in further 'important & needful' places with a lot of destruction...and they'd come in under most radar, and come in too fast to stop. Then there'd be precision bombardment by stealth bombers ((...remember, "if it was planes"... yes.....what if??)) which you could
neither detect until too late nor stop (due to their altitude and their speed) and they'd drop precision bombs into places that you really wouldn't want them...places that'd shut you off from any ability to retaliate.
All of this would be in JUST the first couple of hours.
Honestly, I don't think you'd be Able to "answer"...not with anything significant or noteworthy.
Luckily... we only strike pretty horrible places/people in such a manner. Not nice people in nice places like your country.... who is an ally of ours.
(Glad to have this "Theoretical" debate though)
NOW: if you are talking Nulclear... then it's a rediculous argument. It's like asking who wants to be obliterated first and who wants to go second. That's why I think that a Nuclear arsenal in the hands of a country that is involved on the world stage (USA, Russia, E.U....etc.) finds it's power in THREAT. But in the hands of a country that does Not care about Global political impact and who has been embroiled in Hundreds of years of war and killing and says that it'd like to obliterate other peoples in other countries when those people have not aggressed on them (I'm thinking of places like Iran) ...then that Threat is to EVERYBODY, and MUST be shut down. IF it needs to be done "Preemptively"....ok. Because to "preempt" means to prevent by taking the initiative. BUT: This would only be done when it is believed that a similar attack (nuclear, in this instance) is immanent.....not 'just because'.
how come the almighty US want to hand over their ports (remember the USS "whatever that name was" <- ignorant european), to the nation that most terrorists from 911 were from. this is weird! i dont know whats going on, but i am sure, it wont be a good thing
"Almighty US"???
no........that's not inflamatory, is it??
The US is not "handing over" ports to anyone. There are independant businesses in the US that are in charge of managing the commerce of those ports. These ports aren't being handed over to "Countries" as you've said, but to other businesses. It is a BUSINESS, and it has NOTHING to do with security. Those in charge of security (The US Coast Guard, the FBI, NSA, Homeland security and US customs) are still JUST AS MUCH in charge of security in these ports....and will stay in charge. That's not changing. Ownership of the "ports" isn't changing. Just who's managing the commerce. Our government is not socialist (though some would like that) and not communist.... commerce is the pervue of the people, not the government. ALSO: the people working at these docks, even for this very company being taken over...IS NOT changing. Only the people who OWN it. The same dock workers... everything.
I will agree with you on ONE thing dobberman, you did get one thing correct.
i dont know whats going on
and I'm not implying you're an "ignorant European", just ignorant. (a state of not knowing, not a put down)
IF you want to say it's because you're European....that's your problem.
Your Brother