Because who owns the shipping contract is so low on the list of people responsible for security it is not worth thinking about.
The people in charge of national security at the ports are the Coast Guard, border control and the customs authority. The company running the ports is pretty much limited to choosing security guards- and trying to sneak in a few Arabs instead of Americans would be pretty hard to miss don't you think?
I have been reading about this thing here in Japan. The rest of the world looks at this and is seeing sheer xenophobia. This company was one of only two companies in the running in terms of price. The other one was a Singapore goverment run business. Both countries are in the running for international trade and this is part of thier strategy.
This company has the contracts for ports in Britain, France, Belgium, Australia and many other places. They did not scream about Arab terrorists when the sales went through. Nor has their been any indication that there has been any troubles with national security because of it.
But all the typical American seems to hear are the words "Arab" and they don't even bother to read anything about the situation before they start foaming at the mouth.
I am embarrased to be an American right now with this type of blatent xenophobia. Can't this country read the facts before it starts mouthing off about Arab terrorist ties and the like?
More reading on the matter.