Philosophy in martial arts is a load of rubbish people use to sound clever when they can't actually fight at the end of the day what matters in a fight is how well you can fight not much fortune cookie wisdom you remember

That is why so many people have failed to understand what Jeet Kuno Do is really all about or even understand Bruce Lee himself.

Like I said in an earlier post reply some people get it, some people don't! ;)

Its a learning curve, "The Ability To Read The Fight" not walk into a fight blindly but emotionally aware have all senses active so to speak.

"Thought Processes in Brain Functions" - Brain Functions: How They Work | Brain Structures | Funderstanding: Education, Curriculum and Learning Resources

What people don't realize they do this subconsciously anyway but to switch to self-awareness is harder to do and needs practice.

As they saying goes - "Practice Makes Perfect"!

Thats how good Bruce Less was a genius at this!

Better believe it men! ;)

Its not easy to teach you need to accept the philosophy first and then mentally work it into practical situations.

Its one of the reasons we have in Wing Chun and JKD various types of sensitivity drills to train the senses and track the movement and using hand eye coordination.

Its not an easy task to do but over time and practice in sparring it all begins to gel together and you improve your tactical and strategic approach to fighting in competitions or sparring or training etc

Try it where you train martial arts............

But read post #22 and #11 and #1 as well.

Its what you learn in the fight and after the fight, your "Self Analyzing Skills" and development of fighting skills.

As an example - Listen Carefully to Conor vs Floyd after fight "Self Analyzing Skills" comments............

Some guys will figure this out eventually and comment it takes awhile though.

Oh well I tried LoL
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"Unfortunately I'm locked out of post #1 and cannot adjust and add what the threads intent/purpose was about, to open a good discussion adding to whats in post #11 combining #22 and #1

You should be allowed to modify your posts at any one time for this very reason.

So to get to the point what do you practice as a martial art, do you do any sparring, do you enjoy hand to hand combat at all, competition fights, and are you partnered in any way where you practice moves etc

If so then explain your tactics, strategies entry points give explanations, use articles, videos, notes, reasons, pictures, illustrations on the points I address in post #11 based on post #1 as a How to Theory and Philosophy to Bruce Lees method that I titled - "The Art of the Fight"!

Its really not that hard to understand and provide constructive discussion on a 1 vs 1 hand to hand unarmed combat situation is it?

If you respect the above please join in and share, if you don't well sadly its a missed opportunity for something I saw as a great discussion point on my part.

To some extent I rushed post #1 and did not give it to much thought I actually thought it was clear enough............to make out of it a good discussion, it maybe my fault in not clarifying post #1 from an audience perspective, so sorry for that. :blackeye:

So, this isn't a thread about Bruce Lee? I don't think you're communicating as clearly as you think. Even now I genuinely have no clear idea whether I agree with you or not.
So, this isn't a thread about Bruce Lee? I don't think you're communicating as clearly as you think. Even now I genuinely have no clear idea whether I agree with you or not.

Because I can't tell who genuinely is honest or not i give it one more shot read the Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Tao of Jeet Kune Do eBook: Bruce Lee: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Then come back and read post #1, 3, 11 if you are honest if you are "Taking-the-piss" well that is on you, to be clear! ;)

Like I said many times some people get it some people don't.

To understand it you got to swallow it and then eat piece by piece all of Bruce Lees teachings and even the messages in the movie, they are jewels for those that appreciate it.

Known as "THE ART OF THE FIGHT" hence the title! Okay.

A similar online post.......... Bruce Lee and the Art of Scientific Street Fighting

Also this as well........ Fighting without Fighting, from Sun Tzu to Bruce Lee, to You – Sun Tzu Strategies

and this one ................ Bruce Lee's Discussion With Monk Cut From Enter The Dragon | Bruce Lee Daily

I don't mind repeat mode for the slow ones but its boring when we could have had some good chats about using these principles coming from different martial art backgrounds but carry on........................
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Because I can't tell who genuinely is honest or not i give it one more shot read the Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Tao of Jeet Kune Do eBook: Bruce Lee: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Then come back and read post #1, 3, 11 if you are honest if you are "Taking-the-piss" well that is on you, to be clear! ;)

Like I said many times some people get it some people don't.

To understand it you got to swallow it and then eat piece by piece all of Bruce Lees teachings and even the messages in the movie, they are jewels for those that appreciate it.

Known as "THE ART OF THE FIGHT" hence the title! Okay.

A similar online post.......... Bruce Lee and the Art of Scientific Street Fighting

Also this as well........ Fighting without Fighting, from Sun Tzu to Bruce Lee, to You – Sun Tzu Strategies

and this one ................ Bruce Lee's Discussion With Monk Cut From Enter The Dragon | Bruce Lee Daily

I don't mind repeat mode for the slow ones but its boring when we could have had some good chats about using these principles coming from different martial art backgrounds but carry on........................
No, I'm just being obtuse, but I am tracking now. As long as I've been around here, I still often miss where things are posted. I don't intend to read the Tao of Jeet Kun Do, but now that I see this is the JKD forum, it makes perfect sense. :) I hope you find enough JKD practitioners around here to have a good discussion.

I do like the movies.
36 wins and 7 loses makes you barley a boxer...um okay...

No, I'm just being obtuse, but I am tracking now. As long as I've been around here, I still often miss where things are posted. I don't intend to read the Tao of Jeet Kun Do, but now that I see this is the JKD forum, it makes perfect sense. :) I hope you find enough JKD practitioners around here to have a good discussion.

I do like the movies.

Whilst I did post it in the JKD area there is no reason that you cannot apply this principle to your art and improve your performance and those around you in sparring or competition events etc.

This was also part of my intent and purpose with the this topic to open a discussion on points addressed in post #1, 3 and 11 and get into good meaty discussion with pics, video, illustrations, articles and documents or books even experiences and feedback.

But it has not been received well, partly my fault in first post.

Although I thought people would have a good grasp on Bruce Lees concepts and discuss further from what I posted in the first post.

Oh well I tried, right! :blackeye:
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Enter the dragon is a bad *** movie but you don't learn anything off movies you learn it in class

I understand how you could think that way because its sounds stupid to take Bruce Lees quotes and intents from movies and train from them.

But in all JKD linage or circles these are the jewels of what Bruce Lee did to leave his philosophies in books published and movies teachings he produced.

But in a Forum medium like this its difficult to discuss its to much so forget it!

Try out JKD in a place near you then come back share your feedback.
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See that video you just posted is hypocritical "preserving bruce lees jKD"

JKD was meant to never be preserved it was always meant to be changed with the times but now you've got people refusing to change a word of it which is completely against what bruce lee wanted from it
I understand how you could think that way because its sounds stupid to take Bruce Lees quotes and intents from movies and train from them.

But in all JKD linage or circles these are the jewels of what Bruce Lee did to leave his philosophies in books published and movies teachings he produced.

But in a Forum medium like this its difficult to discuss its to much so forget it!

Try out JKD in a place near you then come back share your feedback.
Nah I'm good tried it once hated it. They spent more time talking than actually training, spouting on about adapting and growing and flowing...I was like great when can we actually train
Nah I'm good tried it once hated it. They spent more time talking than actually training, spouting on about adapting and growing and flowing...I was like great when can we actually train

Ahuh, I see, I took a moment to think about this before shooting from the hip so to speak.

You state you tried it once, well first that shows it wasn't for you, it also shows you want something quick into the fire so to speak and it also shows you were not patient and willing to develop the attitude and aptitude for JKD, since you also said you hated it.

Thats exactly what you needed to know about yourself before proceeding so your instructor that day did his job and they seem to have a good system of filtering out who is who.

Also to give benefit to your point of view I had already studied Wing Chun for 6 years that has given me the upper hand as to what to expect.

But this thread was not to discuss JKD the actual art but the "ART OF THE FIGHT" from Bruce Lees principles based on post #1, 3, 11 and how to apply in any martial art in sparring or competition and training to improve how to read the fight e.g tactics, reaction times etc and study the fight in the fight and after the fight self assessment and self analyzing skills that will increase your performance and understanding of the martial art you are in now.

So if you want to join that aspect of the conversation share your constructive feedback by all means.
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