Blue Belt
Philosophy in martial arts is a load of rubbish people use to sound clever when they can't actually fight at the end of the day what matters in a fight is how well you can fight not much fortune cookie wisdom you remember
That is why so many people have failed to understand what Jeet Kuno Do is really all about or even understand Bruce Lee himself.
Like I said in an earlier post reply some people get it, some people don't!

Its a learning curve, "The Ability To Read The Fight" not walk into a fight blindly but emotionally aware have all senses active so to speak.
"Thought Processes in Brain Functions" - Brain Functions: How They Work | Brain Structures | Funderstanding: Education, Curriculum and Learning Resources
What people don't realize they do this subconsciously anyway but to switch to self-awareness is harder to do and needs practice.
As they saying goes - "Practice Makes Perfect"!
Thats how good Bruce Less was a genius at this!
Better believe it men!

Its not easy to teach you need to accept the philosophy first and then mentally work it into practical situations.
Its one of the reasons we have in Wing Chun and JKD various types of sensitivity drills to train the senses and track the movement and using hand eye coordination.
Its not an easy task to do but over time and practice in sparring it all begins to gel together and you improve your tactical and strategic approach to fighting in competitions or sparring or training etc
Try it where you train martial arts............
But read post #22 and #11 and #1 as well.
Its what you learn in the fight and after the fight, your "Self Analyzing Skills" and development of fighting skills.
As an example - Listen Carefully to Conor vs Floyd after fight "Self Analyzing Skills" comments............
Some guys will figure this out eventually and comment it takes awhile though.
Oh well I tried LoL
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