Who has contributed the most to JKD?

Well when I went there, I had a hard time getting around. Frankly looked a little tacky. I hang out at mma.tv, where Matt also answers questions on the JKD forum. Every once in awhile, someone would make a remark about what was going on at Mousel's. Don't know why I never went back.
Alright lets get honest. First of all, Guru Dan is the one who contributed the most to JKD. Larry Hartsell, yes he did somewhat, but lets remember, Guru Dan introduced him to Bruce. So if it was not for Guru, Larry would not know as much as he does now. After Bruce passed on, Dan decided to continue the growth of JKD. He went and trained with damn near every Filipino master there is, Silat guys, Hell, hes the one who helped revolutionize Muay Thai by training with Master Chai.Larry brougt in wrestling into JKD, but lets not forget, Bruce trained with Judo Gene Lebell. Guru Dan sought out the Machados, Paulson, and other grappling instructers. Yes others today have helped with the growth of JKD. But we all owe it to Guru Dan, if not for him, we would not know as much about JKD as we do now.

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