coungnhuka said:
o.k. to explain this. flatlander, i don't think that was poorly communicate to me since it is hard to misunderstand: 'i don't think people should be taught rigid technquies, with a right and wrong way of doing things; if it works for you it is right, if not it is wrong. teachers should be their to help you along, not tell you what to do.' and if anyone is going to tell me that isn't correct, tell it to bruce lee, after all he is the one who saide that. and i could be wrong, but didn't he make jeet kune do??? and i don't mind being corrected on things, but more then one person telling me the same thing, when none of the acctuly know, is were it gets irritating. and the reason i put 'sweet Brighit bless your blade' at the end of my posts, has nothing to do with cristianity. she is not a saint, she not the midwife of mary, she is not who ever rich parson thinks she is. she is goddess in my faith. she holds domain in, amongst other things, war, warriors, and martial arts. and yes the celts had martial arts. and if anyone wants to arrgue with me any more, go right ahead, since i'm a celt it is doubtful you'll win. we are very stubirn.
Sweet Brighit bless your blade
coungnhuka aka John,
Respect is a two way street. I asked to give us a common ground, and The Circle reference is Celtic.

The Midwife of Mary had such a name, but if look back at history the name was used for Midwives, in particular in the Celtic regions, because they believed she held power there. She also was said to influence as you stated she is the Goddess of Fire and Poetry, and she has also been related to a Sun Goddess, and or the bringer of light. As most Sun Gods or Goddesses as the case may be, they are also associated with War and or fighting, but many also have a softer side as well.

I think she is a good choice for a religion myself, but not mine, but still a good choice. No disrespect meant towards the Celts, just curious was all.
PS: You forgot the (s) at the end of my name

it is Rich Parson
s. And Yes, I thought it might be the same reference as I was thinking, only listed the other Christian References, to allow for other possibilities, for you see, I know I am not always right, and allow for that to occur. Where as some people assume that they are always right and others are wrong, no matter what is said or thought.
As to JKD, not being a practitioner, oh wait I think you are not a practitioner either, so we both can discuss this. Bruce Lee was a great technician, and what he was discussing about making it your own, was making good techniques your own. Hence, why an instructor is needed to tell you right from wrong. Go ahead a punch me with only two fingers wrapped in, the other two will most likely be jammed, so there is a right way to make a fist, and a wrong way to make a fist. Yet, there may be more than one way to make contact with said fist.
coungnhuka said:
if anyone wants to arrgue with me any more, go right ahead, since i'm a celt it is doubtful you'll win. we are very stubirn.
Stubbornness has nothing to do with winning an argument; it has more to do with presenting your statements in a logical fashion, to allow others to see your view point. So your comments about being a Celt, and you knowing more, maybe might be applied to those who are Martial Artists, and also JKD'ers who might know more than you. So why would you argue with them, given your own statements from above?
The reason I ask, is because you are coming across as a TROLL. Someone who just wants to cause trouble. Trolls do not last here, they end being asked or told to leave. So, please, read the advice posted, think about your comments, try not to make every statement a challenge, to people, and keep an open mind, and you will be able to learn from those here.
I do wish you the best and a long stay here.