I was thinking about getting a new technique up here for something to talk about. Anybody have a good variation, extension, personal preference about this technique to share?
2. TRIGGERED SALUTE (front right hand direct push)
1. Standing naturally while opponent pushes your left shoulder with his right hand, step forward and to your left with your right foot to 11 o'clock (into a right neutral bow) to buckle on the inside of opponent's right knee. Simultaneously pin opponent's right hand with your left (against your left shoulder) and strike opponent's chin with a right thrusting heel palm strike.
2. Immediately shift your right hand forming the shape of the crane and hook opponent's right arm down before cocking your right arm to your right hip and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's solar plexus.
3. After following through with first elbow shot, deliver a right outward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's right floating ribs.
4. Without hesitation, follow-up with a right horizontal back knuckle strike to opponent's right floating ribs or kidney and immediately cock your right fist to your right hip.
5. Without any loss of motion execute a right uppercut punch upto and under opponent's chin while your left hand remains pinning your opponent's right hand against your left shoulder.
6. Right front crossover cover out towards 6 oÂ’clock.
That should be it in a nutshell.
2. TRIGGERED SALUTE (front right hand direct push)
1. Standing naturally while opponent pushes your left shoulder with his right hand, step forward and to your left with your right foot to 11 o'clock (into a right neutral bow) to buckle on the inside of opponent's right knee. Simultaneously pin opponent's right hand with your left (against your left shoulder) and strike opponent's chin with a right thrusting heel palm strike.
2. Immediately shift your right hand forming the shape of the crane and hook opponent's right arm down before cocking your right arm to your right hip and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's solar plexus.
3. After following through with first elbow shot, deliver a right outward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's right floating ribs.
4. Without hesitation, follow-up with a right horizontal back knuckle strike to opponent's right floating ribs or kidney and immediately cock your right fist to your right hip.
5. Without any loss of motion execute a right uppercut punch upto and under opponent's chin while your left hand remains pinning your opponent's right hand against your left shoulder.
6. Right front crossover cover out towards 6 oÂ’clock.
That should be it in a nutshell.