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Certainly getting away from the original topic matter. If this is being held in an Independent forum, or Neo forum whatever why is this being argued at all?

I would also agree though that calling yourself a Ninja, no matter what system you study in is false IMO. Ninjutsuka, Budoka whatever suits but not Ninja, you may be training in the spirit of it, but it's like calling yourself a musketier (sp) because you practise fencing.

The arguement will never be won, why continue it.
Bujingodai said:
Certainly getting away from the original topic matter. If this is being held in an Independent forum, or Neo forum whatever why is this being argued at all?

I would also agree though that calling yourself a Ninja, no matter what system you study in is false IMO. Ninjutsuka, Budoka whatever suits but not Ninja, you may be training in the spirit of it, but it's like calling yourself a musketier (sp) because you practise fencing.

The arguement will never be won, why continue it.
good point! i can accept that.

Kreth said:
Note the lack of references for those quotes... :rolleyes: Jeff
Note the Martialtalk Forum Rules regarding links to other Forums.

(Thanks guys, I'm over -50 and no, I don't want any of your crack - crazy enough without it - no sale here buddy)
sojobow said:
Note the Martialtalk Forum Rules regarding links to other Forums.

(Thanks guys, I'm over -50 and no, I don't want any of your crack - crazy enough without it - no sale here buddy)
Forum Promotion / Linking
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I don't see a problem.
of course, a lot of people hold the idea that modern practitioners of the art are NOT Ninja, and if you consider that viewpoint, than wouldnt that make him the "last ninja"?

*shrugs* I could refer you to my sig. The quotation is from Hatsumi-soke's recent book, Ninpo: Wisdom for Life.

Personally, I think what Hatsumi is saying is a "philosophical" definition, not a "historical" one. But, really, who knows?? :idunno:

Or would it be more correct - and easier to say - "budoka" to refer to modern practicioners of ninjutsu, since what they train in includes much more than ninjutsu?

Hrmmm.... I prefer "ninpoka", personally.

As the majority of the x-kan training is more focused on "mainstream" budo than espionage, I don't think anyone (with the exception of Hatsumi sensei and perhaps the Japanese shihan) would be correct in referring to themselves as a ninja.

I agree. :asian:

Point is, regardless of what we train in, or what we teach, we "ain't" no Ninja nor are we studying the art of the Ninja. What I study is what my sensei teaches. What you study is what your teacher teaches. Nothing more, nothing less. You can easily prove me wrong by simply proving that what you learn is truly the art of the shinobi. I would think the best evidence to prove that anyone studies the art of the shinobi is to present to us a real live shinobi. But since they all died hundreds of years ago, kind of hard to prove anything.

It might do you well to actually learn a thing or two about historical research, sojobow. Or critical thinking and analyses, at any rate.

sojobow said:
I crawl around on all fours, bark, lick my balls, and chase cats,
When you wake up in the morning, you beat yourself on the head with pots and pans, don't you?
Bujingodai said:
Certainly getting away from the original topic matter...I would also agree though that calling yourself a Ninja, no matter what system you study in is false IMO. Ninjutsuka, Budoka whatever suits but not Ninja, you may be training in the spirit of it, but it's like calling yourself a musketier (sp) because you practise fencing...
I wonder if 3 or 400 years from now, schools will be opened where the US Marine Corps hand to hand combatives are taught. Will those students call themselves "Marines"?

Being able to lick your balls does not a dog make, it probably makes you fall off the couch alot.
This is a stupid argument.
Deschain said:
Being able to lick your balls does not a dog make, it probably makes you fall off the couch alot.
This is a stupid argument.
I totally agree with you. But when you look at who misrepresented / lied etc, it isn't too illogical to feel this way:

This is what I actually posted:

Originally Posted by Kreth
As the majority of the x-kan training is more focused on "mainstream" budo than espionage, I don't think anyone (with the exception of Hatsumi sensei and perhaps the Japanese shihan) would be correct in referring to themselves as a ninja. Jeff

Two thoughts. Both revised my thinking on the subject.

Item 1.) " ...... if I crawl around on all fours, bark, lick my balls, and chase cats, I truly AM a dog." K.

Make the above a question instead of a statement. End the sentence with ", am I truly a dog?"

Note the sentence begins "...if I crawl......" Now look at what was represented as being my quote as represented by Kizaru:

Originally Posted by sojobow
I crawl around on all fours, bark, lick my balls, and chase cats,

When you wake up in the morning, you beat yourself on the head with pots and pans, don't you?

Note that the word "if" is intentionally omitted to completely misrepresent my Original Post. So it's quite easy to see why you responded as you have. Things like this happen when lying and deceit is the motivation. At least Kizaru should wait until I'm suspended.
heretic888 said:
It might do you well to actually learn a thing or two about historical research, sojobow. Or critical thinking and analyses, at any rate. Laterz.
At least my words and thought are my own and not those regurgatated (sp.l)from our new moderator Don Roley (congratulations belatedly). I agree in his (Roley's) level of intelligence, but to constantly us Mr. Roley's phrases and thoughts may give you some degree of excess confidence, but your constant mimiking is obvious.

You might also want to vigorously pursue your own advice.

(Moderator, will I get kicked out if I call heretic888 by a new name such as J.R. Jr.? Just kidding - having a little fun)

Now, back to the subject of the thread. I don't remember it being the lovable sojobow.
sojobow said:
Item 1.) " ...... if I crawl around on all fours, bark, lick my balls, and chase cats, I truly AM a dog." K.

Make the above a question instead of a statement. End the sentence with ", am I truly a dog?"
The people who participate on this forum are not stupid. If you continue to act like a clown, you should expect to be treated as one.
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation to a kid-safe level.

This is the FINAL warning.

-MT Moderator-

Due to some blatant issues on this thread:

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