Top ten things you'll never hear a woman say

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Crawford
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what can i say...i'm getting bolder...i keep sticking my neck out, and no ones chopping of my head...

Also, feelings of youth and invincibility help
LOL bignick Off with their heads!!!


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hmm...these Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass references keep popping when i'm around...strange coincidence?

....or does this belong in the conspiracy theory thread?
Okay, I can't resist. :D

"I'm sorry honey; it was all my fault." *following activity that WAS all her fault and resulted in catastrophe*
Okay, here we go:

"Honey, would you PLEASE keep an eye on your oil gauge from now on?? I'm tired of pouring oil into your truck!"

"I think I'll trick out the Caravan."

"Let's go get a hydraulic kit for it too."

"What's a little steel belt showing? We can make these tires stretch another few weeks."

"Nah, don't take it to the shop - just use duct tape to hold the bumper on."

"Triple-A? We don't need no stinking Triple-A!"
OMG!! What have I started?!!!I can't beleive this thread has legs this long! lol!!
Rob Broad said:
My wife likes hairy buts but I think it is because she has one. :rofl:
What would your wife do to you if she knew you posted that?! Blackmail anyone?
My wife works in the radio business, and has told everyone over the airwaves of any all mistakes i have made since we started dating. It is only fair that I take my shot at her on here, just like all my previous comments about her cooking, her now hairy but, and anything else I can come up with. The score is still way in her favor.
Rob,you are not suppost to score.You are not allowed.You will pay when she finds out.Her comment's about your "mistakes" on air are only constructive criticism.If she has a call in show,you should prove your therea by calling up and descibing her "hairybutt" on air and see if she considers her high score to be reason enough to forgive you.I DARE YOU!
Oh no....airing that on radio waves would probably qualify for reason for divorce. No one is that secure. I wouldn't do that...Besides even if she pointed out all your mistakes, Rob, haven't you recognized them as mistakes????? Maybe tried to learn from them? This one would be in the WHOPPER range though. TW
TigerWoman said:
Besides even if she pointed out all your mistakes, Rob, haven't you recognized them as mistakes????? Maybe tried to learn from them?
because obviously she is faultless and you are a walking disaster
bignick said:
because obviously she is faultless and you are a walking disaster
Maybe. After all, you all don't even know how to ask for directions!

Eldritch, depends upon the look you're going for...

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