To Shindo Quest Home Study

I don't think that they are hurt feelings, but just plain jealousy. Jealous of the fact that something more practical advanced from something else. I agree...ultimately it all comes from the same source. People have just found other ways to utilize what they have learned and are passing it on. Whether you are 1/8 native american or 3/4, your lineage still has native american. Same with other styles. Can't we all just get along!!!
Thank You! Iam not sure Why some people can not talk with others with respect.
I thought by saying a few of the things that I know first hand about the Quest Center/Bujinkan thing I could help, I guess the feels some have is too deep and the bashing continues. When other people read some of the commits on here it is going to make all Martial Artist look bad I am sorry if Anything I have said offended anyone
Thank You
shiro said:
I could help, I guess the feels some have is too deep and the bashing continues.

Hmmm. I seem to have missed the bashing. Can you point me to concrete examples of it? I have seen people pass along the comments they have heard from Hatsumi and other Japanese, as well as others giving specific problems they have with the direction SKH has taken. But compared with Frank Dux, etc, the amount of "bashing" is rather lacking IMO.

And I have always maintainted that people wanting to know what Hatusmi thinks about SKH should ask him themselves. It seems amazing to me the amount of people that wish to argue that Hatsumi likes SKH but are scared to ask Hatsumi in private his opinion. I have talked to Hatsumi about SKH in private. The contents of that private conversation will remain private. At most, I urge others to ask for themselves or ask in private and out of the public light what people who have lived in Japan and have relationships with the Japanese what they have heard.

I see that many who would defend Hayes seem reluctant to go to Hatsumi and ask him in private what he thinks. I believe that if they wish to know the full story instead of merely defending him blindly they need to wait until they ask in person to Hatsumi himself about the situation.

I do not expect that to happen based on what I see here.
I hope there is a time when I can talk to Mr. hatsumi one to one.
Read the post for the bashing.
If You would like to pm me direct please do so Any thing you tell me is betwwen me and You. Just like the talk I had with Mr. Anderson.
Maybe He is filling You full of it (Remember What He said In His books I am Not above lying to a student if that is what they need. I realize that goes both ways before You say that.
Good Day
shiro said:
Read the post for the bashing.

What post? Are you talking about this thread? I cannot find anything here that really comes to the level of bashing. I see Kreth talk about how Hayes started requiring people to fork over 10k to have a dojo under him, I see Deaf talk about the problems he has with Hayes and things like that. I can not see anyone really bashing anyone else except for some comments by you, Turtle and Gabe that people are being jealous and such.

But to be honest, your last post was rather hard to understand. It was rather ACAMAC in its structure. Please try to do better next time so people can understand you.

And I will point this out to you. I think a few people have got problems with the attitude that they have seen that Hatsumi is some sort of god- like figure that people have to go through Hayes in his role as Moses to recieve his wisdom. Your cryptic comment about how Hatsumi said he would lie to students seems to be a way of saying not to trust what he says, but trust what Hayes does. If that is what you were trying to hint at, I would expect you to deny it. Even if you deny that was your intention, it does seem that you are trying to minimize the impact of Hatsumi talking bad about Hayes. But considering the way you wrote the entire post, it is hard to say what you are trying to convey.
They offer many Henke for the Kata demonstrated.

i hate to be such a dummy here but are Henke applications? You're saying he gives many self-defense applications for the Kata?
TaiChiTJ said:
i hate to be such a dummy here but are Henke applications? You're saying he gives many self-defense applications for the Kata?
It means, er, Basically, Variations.
Stephen Hayes said:
"However, the possibility of people confusing freedom fighter ninja anscestors with "the dark side of the force" is now even more politically awkward in light of inevitably unfortunate comparisons with terrorist murders of U.S. civilians by killers claiming to be religiously inspired "holy warriors" in the 21st century.

"Freedom fighters"??
I got a chance to see some ToShinDo at the following site:

It seems some practitioners are sending in videos of some of their practice. So I am beginning to understand a bit about what this is, how I fit it into my picture of the martial arts, and so forth. Interesting. I hope they put up more of these videos. This is educational for me.

I want to see more where the attack is straight on and close, like a roundhouse or a straight punch, not where the attacker is running at the guy.

It is cool.