To Shindo Quest Home Study


Master Black Belt
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Snohomish county, Washington state
Is anyone currently taking Mr. Hayes home courses? To shindo, classical Ninjutsu, or monthly lessons? I just ordered my first video. I am starting the Koto ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata series.
I haven't seen the videos at all. Let us know how it goes.
This I will do. I should be getting my first vid soon. The response for recommended learning time is 6-9 months, but they told me it would'nt take near that long, due to my experience. I pretty much bought them because they look like good watchin videos. If they are good quality, I'll probably recommend them to everyone (thats what I do).
Right on the SKH quest website, it claims they won't take the money out until the item has been shipped. well this is not true. they took the money out of my account, and its been 8 days and nothing has been shipped. no tracking #. no email confirm. nothing. They also take about 4 days to respond to an email regarding MY money. I'm giving them another 2 days before I put Mr hayes "quest" on my bad list. I might just tell Ashida Kim about this. LOL
Have you tried contacting the school directly?? Maybe someone can answer your questions for you.

Let us know how you make out.

I will contact thru phone. that was going to be my next move. unfortunately, they do not have a 1-800 #, and my home phone is down, so......I guess I could use my cell.
wondering what happened with the to shin do course? did you ever get it? was it any good?
i recently practiced with my brother who is a toshindo practicioner. good stuff. was really impressed by mr hayes. i like how he makes it practicle to use in today's society with the shouting "stop" and stuff. pretty impressive. my bro. used to practice jkd and switched over to toshindo. i think he likes it better.

Before I post this, be warned I am in no way saying JKD and Toshindo are related

JKD and Toshindo share many similarities however. In Toshindo, one learns Kihon, and several Henke, and then "uses what works for them". JKD has this approach, as well.

Yeah, how SKH uses the "stop it" commands when dominating his Uke is one of the best parts of the Tapes.

I might test soon. It is $45 though, and There is no free viewing allowed. only testing. if I fail, I have to test again.
it has been a little over a month, since practicing, but my experience should substantially reduce the time of training. Maybe another month just to be sure. I feel ready and confident however. It is only two kata, and I dont have to demonstrate Henke, although I probably will.
I received my To-Shin Do Home Study Course within 6 days of ordering it! Great stuff! I am really anxious to get started and test when I'm ready.

How long ago did you start the Kihon (classical) curriculum? How does it begin? Is there a basics section for someone who is completely naive to martial arts or Taijitsu?

I purchased the private video lessons(they are Shoden), so I am not sure about the Kihon level. However, SK Hayes is such a great source of info, that it really wont matter if you have experience. As always, anyone should also practice in a Dojo, in person. but the dvds/tapes are great on their own. I Did order the Kihon level, I just havent got it yet. Taijutsu is one of the best martial arts for beginners in my opinion. there is so much room for growth. because it works with the body, not against it as in other arts, it is easy to pick up. at the same time, it is one of the hardest to "master". any form of Taijutsu, IMO, is the best MA.
Oh okay. Those private ones are the monthly subscriptions that are sent by either VHS or DVD. I thought about doing that but opted to do the entire To-Shin Do program since I'm such a rookie at this. How long have you been doing MA? Which styles of MA have you practiced? I previously was practicing JKD, but didn't feel Gary Dill's program was "up to par" (my opinion only). Still learning who folks are on this forum so please excuse my ingnorance.
It is good that you are new to the MA, actually. sometimes I get sidetracked in other arts, and cant concentrate on the art at hand. I have been doing various arts for 8 years, and mainly got the SKH videos for reveiw. They are certainly good, though.
If You want the modern stuff go with the Toshin Do home study course If You want the classical (like Bujinkan) Go with His Classical Warrior Traning Course.
Tai jutsu
All are Kihon With higher leavel to come.
Shogun said:
I might test soon. It is $45 though, and There is no free viewing allowed. only testing. if I fail, I have to test again.
it has been a little over a month, since practicing, but my experience should substantially reduce the time of training. Maybe another month just to be sure. I feel ready and confident however. It is only two kata, and I dont have to demonstrate Henke, although I probably will.

How is the Home course stuff from Quest Center going? Have you tested or are you getting ready yet? Advise when you can. Anyone else done the home cousre at any level?
I don't know...I've seen the DVD's and they don't seem practical.