Dark Kenpo Lord
Brown Belt
arnisador said:I want to get a clear understanding of the use of the word 'science' in the title of the MSU, and the nature of the B.S./M.S./Ph.D. degrees it grants. The question of your qualifications seems an obvious point of departure. You seem to be portraying yourself as the head of a degree-granting body who is willing to state that he has a Ph.D. but not willing to allow verification of that claim. Does anything about that strike you as odd?
You haven't said enough for that to be a possibility.
As to demands, this is a discussion board and I'm discussing. It's a common enough occurrence among academics, incidentally--trading information, testing ideas via friendly argumentation, etc. It's codified in the traditions of publishing one's research, and in the public dissertation defense. I'm not the one who has made unsupported claims, am I?
Agreed. But you're trying to have it both ways, claiming to be a Ph.D. in a nonstandard field but not being willing to back up your claim. You want to eat your cake by being called Dr., then have it too with this "I've got a secret!" game. Why should you not be questioned on that? If I were to announce on this forum that I'm an 8th degree black belt in Kenpo, personally promoted by the Founder himself prior to his death, wouldn't many ask about the certificate?
Hmmm, having received so much exposure on this board, I forgot that my public profile doesn't actually have my name. Are you hinting about that? It's Jeff Leader, as Kaith Rustaz will verify for you. A Yahoo! search will turn up all you might want to know about me, I think, unless you're implying that you have better sources of information available to you because of your occupation.
But trying to distract attention from you by turning it on me is such an obvious tactic. Mr Chap'el, is your Ph.D. an earned degree, and if so, where did you earn it?
Don't expect much Jeff, I've been where you are now, asking the same exact questions many years ago.
DarK LorD