To Doc about MSU

I'd like to think we are Doc, but where as you've been reading for a while....
I've just taken the book down from the shelf, hey look at this, there's a preface in here by you... :D

--Dave :asian:
D.Cobb said:
I'd like to think we are Doc, but where as you've been reading for a while....
I've just taken the book down from the shelf, hey look at this, there's a preface in here by you... :D

--Dave :asian:
Go ahead you can say it. I'm old. :)
Doc said:
Go ahead you can say it. I'm old. :)

Ummm.... OK... You're OLD!! :D

It will only come back to haunt me, when you finally come down under:ultracool

Doc said:
DavidCC said:
The lone exception Big Dave was ......... the Japanese word "kiai." It is unique to the Okinawan/Japanese tradition and serves a function when teaching beginners. The Chinese don't seem to have an equivalent for this specialized breathing method, instead opting to just "breath correctly for the circumstance." All other non-English words he went through great pains to excise them from what he wanted for his pure "American Kenpo." He allowed however the use of other culture and lineage terms in his "Kenpo-Karate," old and new. Lots of confusion between the different Kenpo's of Ed Parker.

It recently occurred to me that there is one more Japanese word used in Ed Parekr's various systems...


thank you very much

Doc said:
Therefore to achieve a particular physical goal, if you wish to support it by utterances, the correct sound must be utilized formulating the correct anatomical body posture.

The correct sound, sir?

I'm wondering if I've just been busted for kiai-ing in Japanese. :uhyeah:

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