Senior Master
I really don't see much a conflict between a healthy follower of a religion and doing a MA. Where the friction arises IMO is when people who are insecure start trying to use their diety of choice as a crutch or an excuse for why they elect to live the way they do etc. At that point it goes from honoring their chosen to trying to weasel into a supreme bieng's good graces.
Most of the Christians who are against people practicing martial arts, evolution, other faiths etc I've enountered seem to just be deeply insecure in their own faith. They can't identify with their chosen diety. They have no real conception of what it is they're trying to worship, and they don't actually trust their God. They do nothing but fear a giant fickle jerk up in the sky who puts you on the gravy train for awhile, but is really just looking for any excuse to send you to hell. The minset's deeply unhealthy and fanatisicm grows from it like flowers from manure.
It produces thoughts like, "God allowed the events on 9/11 to come to pass due to the diminishing Christian influence in the country." In essence, saying that God's a petty bastard that likes to punish people who don't think exactly like He wants them to. Thoughts that in short, manage to make all Chrisitians look bad in the process. That IMO is not religious thought, it's not piety, it's disease. (Makes one wonder if they're totally aphasiac to words like love, mercy, faith, tolerance etc...)
Along those lines, I don't see much coming out of questioning what a specific diety wants from you personally. It's not a bartering session. It's really a means to self-improvement. If MA helps you improve yourself/help others, there's no justifiable way to fear that you're going to be punished for it.
Most of the Christians who are against people practicing martial arts, evolution, other faiths etc I've enountered seem to just be deeply insecure in their own faith. They can't identify with their chosen diety. They have no real conception of what it is they're trying to worship, and they don't actually trust their God. They do nothing but fear a giant fickle jerk up in the sky who puts you on the gravy train for awhile, but is really just looking for any excuse to send you to hell. The minset's deeply unhealthy and fanatisicm grows from it like flowers from manure.
It produces thoughts like, "God allowed the events on 9/11 to come to pass due to the diminishing Christian influence in the country." In essence, saying that God's a petty bastard that likes to punish people who don't think exactly like He wants them to. Thoughts that in short, manage to make all Chrisitians look bad in the process. That IMO is not religious thought, it's not piety, it's disease. (Makes one wonder if they're totally aphasiac to words like love, mercy, faith, tolerance etc...)
Along those lines, I don't see much coming out of questioning what a specific diety wants from you personally. It's not a bartering session. It's really a means to self-improvement. If MA helps you improve yourself/help others, there's no justifiable way to fear that you're going to be punished for it.