This thread is a joke

Slugs are a nasty weapon to use, they cover you in slime and look at you with those horrible eye things on stalks. You'd have to be careful carrying six of them though, they are unpredictable and could gang up and over power you. I'm guessing though you're a trained slug handler though.

Actually yes, during my time overseas with special forces I taught insugents in seven different countries how to train and deploy slugs, ants, butterflies, and a variety of other natural forces to overwhelm and defeat their enemies.

I was referring to bullets loaded in a shotgun, but now that you remind me, I should train an army of insects as well. I'm not sure how that will fit with my dragon motif, I've already begun sewing the jacket, but I'll think of something.

Also you need to develope VAST powers of Qi like this guy

Actually I was at the training seminar where that picture was taken. I didn't want to embaress the instructor, but you can clearly see in that picture that the fingers on his bottom hand are not as curled as those on his top. Very dangerous. It's surprising sometimes what passes for "expertise" at these seminars.

Slugs are a nasty weapon to use, they cover you in slime and look at you with those horrible eye things on stalks. You'd have to be careful carrying six of them though, they are unpredictable and could gang up and over power you. I'm guessing though you're a trained slug handler though.

Don't forget to carry a good supply of salt to keep them in line.

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