It's time for a new job.

Yes, I'm still working the customer service phone gig... :barf:

The positive is that they gave me a merit raise a couple months ago. I then found out that I'm still well below minimum wage in my new state. I had a good laugh over that.

I've been making calls in my new town and I've found out that a couple human services agencies here are hiring right now. I don't know what credentials they want, but I did find out that there's a certification program in LA in November. It's $1000 plus accommodations, but someone locally said she might be able to help me score some grant money.

I'd better turn things around soon, like by the end of the day. A caller had a core meltdown and said she was going to report me to THE ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE!!!!! If you don't hear from me again, it probably means that some Men In Black paid me a visit and vaporized me. It's been an honor to know you all.
Yes, I'm still working the customer service phone gig... :barf:

The positive is that they gave me a merit raise a couple months ago. I then found out that I'm still well below minimum wage in my new state. I had a good laugh over that.

I've been making calls in my new town and I've found out that a couple human services agencies here are hiring right now. I don't know what credentials they want, but I did find out that there's a certification program in LA in November. It's $1000 plus accommodations, but someone locally said she might be able to help me score some grant money.

I'd better turn things around soon, like by the end of the day. A caller had a core meltdown and said she was going to report me to THE ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE!!!!! If you don't hear from me again, it probably means that some Men In Black paid me a visit and vaporized me. It's been an honor to know you all.

Can you get me Tommy Lee Jones autograph please?
I have not driven over the road in awhile, and the D.O.T has come up with a bunch of new rules and regs in an attempt to weed out the jackwagons that dont belong behind the wheel of ANYTHING..The classroom work is challenging, but I wanna get out on the road..
I have not driven over the road in awhile, and the D.O.T has come up with a bunch of new rules and regs in an attempt to weed out the jackwagons that dont belong behind the wheel of ANYTHING..The classroom work is challenging, but I wanna get out on the road..

You'll be out soon enough. Your passengers will be lucky to have you. :)
You'll be out soon enough. Your passengers will be lucky to have you. :)

You are too kind..Well I passed the classroom portion of the training, next week it the physical part..Looking forward to it...
Our classroom group grew smaller on the 2nd day.. They sent us for a drug screen ( pee-in-the-cup) on the first day. The 2nd day we were all outside have our morning smoke with our coffee and they called one of us back in, no biggie as this has been going on since day one.

As we started the days instruction we noticed that Rich was missing and we figured he was still talking with the boss..Well the boss came in collected his books and announced that Rich would not be back..I had to tell the class that it was an illegal substance that the screen picked up, they were stunned...
Our classroom group grew smaller on the 2nd day.. They sent us for a drug screen ( pee-in-the-cup) on the first day. The 2nd day we were all outside have our morning smoke with our coffee and they called one of us back in, no biggie as this has been going on since day one.

As we started the days instruction we noticed that Rich was missing and we figured he was still talking with the boss..Well the boss came in collected his books and announced that Rich would not be back..I had to tell the class that it was an illegal substance that the screen picked up, they were stunned...

Glad it going well for you!

LOL. Yeah just gotta love how bright some people are!

When I joined the army years ago, we were scheduled to come in, in 6-8 weeks for a physical, pee in a cup and all. While I'm peeing in my cup, the guy next to me asks, "how long after you smoke pot can it be detected in your urine?". I said about one month, and asked him when he smoked last. His reply? Remember we knew for almsot two months that this test was coming. "Last night" was his reply. I'm assuming he didn't make it, thank god, he wouldn't be someone I would want to rely on in combat.
Glad it going well for you!

LOL. Yeah just gotta love how bright some people are!

When I joined the army years ago, we were scheduled to come in, in 6-8 weeks for a physical, pee in a cup and all. While I'm peeing in my cup, the guy next to me asks, "how long after you smoke pot can it be detected in your urine?". I said about one month, and asked him when he smoked last. His reply? Remember we knew for almsot two months that this test was coming. "Last night" was his reply. I'm assuming he didn't make it, thank god, he wouldn't be someone I would want to rely on in combat.

Thanks Ken..Yeah, ya gotta wonder about their thinking process..This guy "Rich" was an experienced driver and held the necessary license endorsments.
Well I had my first week on the road. The first day we left at 6am, it was still dark when I arrived at the base and met my trainer. We went through the pre-trip inspection that is mandated by the D.O.T and I was told to pull it out..

I closed the door and took it out of the kneel position, it seemed to keep rising up. I thought that with my backround as a school bus driver, airport shuttle driver and armored truck driver would have prepared me for this, I WAS WRONG..This monster is 11' 13" high and 45' long..

All the buses are govenored at 65mph, so my dreams of speeding down the freeway were crushed. Turning something that big takes pratice, and unlike tractor trailer we dont bend in the middle. We went to a obsticle course and spent the day doing everyday things that I had taken for granted, I actually learned how to parallel park this beast. more to follow..
Free at last! It didn't happen exactly as I expected, but I'm still overjoyed.

Since I moved to my new city I've been working my tail off to get noticed in my new chosen career. I have no paid experience at it, but I still have a pretty impressive resume thanks to a lot of hard volunteer work over the years. A weird coincidence hooked me up with a local Grand Poobah who drooled over that street cred, and asked me to talk with a long list of movers and shakers. If it didn't work out with any of them, quod he, let me know and we'll find a place with you at my agency.

Meanwhile, back at the "ranch" of my regular day-job, they had given me a merit raise back in July. I loved the vote of confidence but finding out that it still amounted to less than minimum wage in my new state was a real wake-up call. Ever since I moved here I've also had a long series of unsolvable technical glitches at my customer service job. I'd go through hours of not receiving any calls, sometimes for an entire shift! Finally they tried sending me a new phone, and the sound quality was so poor most of the customers who did get through simply hung up and called back to get someone else. Then I started getting messages on my home voicemail from people trying to place orders. When those calls started coming in during my off-hours when I wasn't even hooked up to the company server, that was the last straw. It's intrusive of course, but more than that I worried about my personal safety. It's a one in a million chance that I'd get the same caller twice, but we all know how easy it is to get someone's address through a phone number.

So ... I'll be eating acorns and pocket lint for a while, but it's totally worth it. I feel like a kid on the first day of summer vacation knowing I won't have to face another eight hours of "how can I help you?" Originally I was planning to celebrate by sleeping in till noon tomorrow, what would have been my next shift. But I can't.

One of the contacts Poobah gave me was for the overall director of all services provided at the county level. He responded to my feeler email in big blue font ...

Call me on Friday morning!

So I'll have to come up with some other way to party down. I hate coming up with fun ideas. :dramaqueen: I do plan to trade my old fossil in for a spiffy new Smartphone. If (no! when!!) I get this new job I'll be driving all over town a lot and I could use the GPS. That's a convincing enough excuse, isn't it? :uhyeah:
UPDATE: I had passed the driving portion of my training and was ready to begin my new career as a motorcoach driver. A sudden bout with walking pnemonia laid me out me out for about a week and then when attemting to walk downstairs in my weakened condition I stumbled and injuried my knee again.

Then the good folks at the airport shuttle company called and asked me to reconsider becoming a road supervisor. I had a sit down with the senior manager and decided to accept. So since about mid October I have been in training, having to deal with the Unions was one of the factors that caused me to decline the first time it was offered to me, but I am learning to deal with it.

I have been working some terrible hours covering shifts for the 3 other supervisors that have been working dbl duty to fill the open shift,which explaines my absence here. If I make it until the end of Dec I will have passed my 90 day probation and should be OK..
well... at least during your absence you did not offended my family or the the Shaolin Temple :D

Sorry to hear about the illness and knee issues.

And you'll make it through the 90 days, no problem.

I did it! It took me two years, but I finally did it!!


Pending successful completion of a week's training, I'm part of a supported housing team at ye community mental health center. Thank you, thank you ... I would like to thank all the little people who made this happen ... :uhyeah:

Interestingly, they made the point that I'm grossly overqualified for the position :whip1: but my perspective is that this is one job description is one I've never had before and all training is valid and beneficial. Ultimately I want to be an administrator, but dues-paying is fine for now.

What a relief!
UPDATE: What was I thinking?? I figured because I was a driver I would have no problems. WRONG!!!! As a driver I was a Union member, as a Supervisor I am management. I have been in trouble since day one. Ya gotta be careful how you speak to them or they run crying to the Union. The shop steward is good people, I knew his dad when I was a cop and has tossed out some BS complaints from some drivers. I made a big mistake taking this job. Now I gotta get out...
UPDATE: What was I thinking?? I figured because I was a driver I would have no problems. WRONG!!!! As a driver I was a Union member, as a Supervisor I am management. I have been in trouble since day one. Ya gotta be careful how you speak to them or they run crying to the Union. The shop steward is good people, I knew his dad when I was a cop and has tossed out some BS complaints from some drivers. I made a big mistake taking this job. Now I gotta get out...

It's a learning curve.
My husband has to deal with that at work as well. Consider the show steward your ace in the hole. make sure you call him, too before you have heart to hearts...

You can do it!