It's time for a new job.

It's a learning curve.
My husband has to deal with that at work as well. Consider the show steward your ace in the hole. make sure you call him, too before you have heart to hearts...

You can do it!

I can feel for your husband.. The Steward is good folk, it my immediate bosses that are the problem. I gave a 2nd written warning to a driver about excessive speed. I told him that they got me suspended for speed when I was a driver, dont think they wont get you. My boss said that was an inapproprate response. I should have said if you continue to violate company policy you will face disciplinary action. So I guess ya cant talk to them like an adult.
I can feel for your husband.. The Steward is good folk, it my immediate bosses that are the problem. I gave a 2nd written warning to a driver about excessive speed. I told him that they got me suspended for speed when I was a driver, dont think they wont get you. My boss said that was an inapproprate response. I should have said if you continue to violate company policy you will face disciplinary action. So I guess ya cant talk to them like an adult.

Nope, you can't.
Can't say '$h*t' either, or anything the slightest offensive.
Gotta be by the book, talk the the shop steward if in doubt. he is there to protect your behind, too.

being lower management is in many perspective worse than being in high school!
(he's in a government shop, too, you can imagine)

Hang in there, you can do it!!
Aaagh, my new boss is a hopeless control freak.

Basically, they now have me working two jobs at the same agency. Two days a week I have a micro-caseload of six people, a reduced version of the job I was doing before. The other two days I'm now at the agency's drop-in center. For the most part I really like it - it's carefully crafted to be a laid-back environment for people to hang out. We offer some basic life-skills classes and fun stuff like yoga and poetry.

But there are two huge problems. The first is that my two job descriptions are polar opposites. With the first I craft my own schedule, and I have to leave open spaces every day for the inevitable crises that come up when serving this kind of community. As such, I can and must take things as they come. The other job runs on a rigid schedule. There are some good reasons for this, and I accept it.

The problem is Job 2 boss at the drop-in center. When real life intrudes at Job 1 she takes it very personally. One day one of my clients went to the ER the night before and I had to call her at home to check in with her. Big ordeal. She wouldn't let me step away to hand my time card over to the HR person. Finally yesterday it escalated to her giving me a verbal warning because I stole away for half a protein bar when I had "only" been on the clock for 40 minutes, and it was another hour until my lunch break!! :dramaqueen: (And yes, I've told her several times that I'm hypoglycemic, and what that means in terms of when and how I have to eat. Boss 1 has known this for several months.)

Worse yet, she's released me early involuntarily a few times, and both supervisors have told me I'm not allowed to catch up on Job 1 when that happens. I'm also forbidden to work any overtime. :banghead:

Yesterday I very nearly quit on the spot. I explained the situation (hypoglycemia, more staffers in the center than clients at that particular moment, I told my coworkers where I was going,) and she basically came back with a nuh-uh!! regardless of what I said. She then scolded me for actually doing some things she had asked me to do, but assumed I hadn't because she was out of the room herself and didn't physically catch me in the act of doing them when she came back. I very nearly quit on the spot. The main thing that stopped me was that I've only been here six months and I don't want my resume to look like I'm a job-hopper. That, and my remaining caseload of clients depend on me and I care about them.

I'd like to find an amicable solution, but she's pushing me to the wall psychologically. I'm not floating any resumes yet but I'm dusting off the ol' network. The national healthcare revamp is a godsend for my field because my job description is highly cost-effective. Every agency in the state will scramble to recruit us over the next year or so, and I've put myself in a position to rub elbows with lots of CEOs on committees. But job hunting and starting over is a royal pain.

Thankfully I have a routine meeting with Boss 1 next week and she always asks me to craft the agenda. No question this time!
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Well my current boss is greatÂ….but he is retiring as of this Friday, unless they make him an offer he canÂ’tÂ…ummmÂ… erÂ…. I meanÂ…. wonÂ’t refuse. :D

Sadly the only person that wants his job is a...well lets just say he really should not be allowed in the building little alone put in chargeof IT.... I have kicked out of my office on more than one occasion due to his... well.... discussion skills. Hopefully those responsible for hiring know he isÂ…well...letÂ’s just say unqualified on so many levels....

So I may have a new boss to break in...first time in years... and my current boss is the best I have had in years... so I feel your pain....
Xue, that reminds me of a funny story from my mother's career. When the head boss retired from her job, the Board chose the one person who was thoroughly nasty, rude, and incompetent in every way. The whole staff was so dumbfounded at the decision that they all quit en masse on the same day.

Xue, that reminds me of a funny story from my mother's career. When the head boss retired from her job, the Board chose the one person who was thoroughly nasty, rude, and incompetent in every way. The whole staff was so dumbfounded at the decision that they all quit en masse on the same day.


Interesting...since I think a fairly similar thing will happen her if this happens... and guess who just walked by :D
Boss 2 has got to go.

My groin injury has refused to heal for over 4 months now. I've done ongoing PT, and had countless days where I've visibly limped everywhere I went. It's no mystery that this has been going on.

I work a 20 hour week, Monday to Thursday. Up till a couple weeks ago I had done every single appointment on Fridays. When the PT gave up on me and sent me back to my doc, I took one shift off to see her ASAP. And then half a shift to make it to my MRI three weeks later. Both times off were during my shifts with Boss 2 (and I'll confess it was a deliberate choice - the less time I spend around her the better.) With the MRI, she had a core meltdown and lopped off half my Thursday shift altogether- "that can be your day to go to the doctor!"

That's a 15% cut in my hours. Better still, she's told me that I have to quit an important committee I'm on that's restructuring Medicare and Medicaid benefits at the county level right when they need me most. It's a Tuesday, dontchaknow. Oh, they need you? Not my problem. So there goes a whole A-list of contacts I've been carefully cultivating for the past year. This bimbo isn't just toxic to work for, she's threatening to torpedo my whole fledgling career.

I still have Boss 1 in my pocket. I'm not to a point where I want to give up on Job 2 completely, but I can probably weasel my way into another project to take up those 3 hours. It's ironic because I'm damn good at Job 2, I just can't stand the boss. I'm notoriously illiterate when it comes to office politics, but I found out my college alumni association offers dirt cheap career counselling. In the meantime I printed off some calendar pages and transposed every doc appointment I've had since July so she can see how many hours it's cost her. She'll probably just get pissy at me, but at least I can document that I tried before going up the food chain to make new projects for myself.

Sheesh! You'd think that a whole building full of mental health consumers would be able to get along ...:uhyeah: