This guy was a jerk!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blackdragon
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Hi everyone! I'm a little irritated, but please bear with me and hear me out.
There was this guy who visited our class who was very rude towards the students and our sifu. Before class we usually do some drills or soft "flowing". This guy came in there and started rough housing with some of the students! He kept putting down alot of our methods and started going on about his so-called "shaolin classes" and was trying to show weaknesses of our style! ( oh, and by the way, his Shaolin classes have belt rankings and his first form is "ippon kumite"!). So anyway, as class was starting and Master Dan was showing us some basic techniques and told us to try them out ourselves, he was ignoring that and was trying to show me some of his " bird form" when we were supposed to work on what Master Dan told us to do! I was polite as I could be at the time and I eventually moved away from him and got another partner to work with.Don't get me wrong, I tried to work with him as best as I could. It got to the point where Master Dan had to have a talk with him.
Sorry to have babbled like this. I just wondered if anyone has experience something like this before and two your comments on the matter.
Thanks a lot for your time and good luck training:asian:
Yeah I've seen that happen before. My good friend was working with the guy at the time he got his wrist messed up from one of the other gentleman's wrist compression. It's been about 10 or 11 yrs. since that happened and his wrist is still messed up, he can't give it a full rotation like everyone else. At that time we had just avoided the man.
Yes, I've seen it before, also...

Unfortunate behavior...many of these dojo hoppers like to say they trained with so & so...they get the names from the dojos they visit...

Let me guess, this guy was sporting a black belt (or higher) and had at least two patches on his uniform...

Some huge guy with a blue gi, lots of patches, and a lot of red on his black belt who said he hadn't taken a class in half a year came in and wanted to be hired as an instructor.
Well, unfortunately it seems as if there always has to be an A hole in all groups, even among us martial artists.

I still don't understand why an outsider just can't go visit a MA school, shut the hell up, listen to the master instructor and follow the instructions given, and keep all his or her negative comments to themselves :idunno:

Humility and respect must not count much for them... :shrug:
Thanks for the replies.I really appreciate it.
This guy was a supposed blue belt in judo and I think a yellow belt in Shaolin.(lol). At least that's what HE said. Another thing- he never came back( so far he hasn't).

This guy was also saying how shin kicks and other low leg kicks weren't very effective. I showed him a couple of times. The third time I showed him( all three times I was neither going hard nor fast) he reached down and grabbed it and looked at me with a " see what I mean? " kind of look.
Also when I tried to do some soft "flowing"( meaning to go soft and somewhat slow since I am new at the style. And I even told him to go a bit slow and easy so I could work on it.) he came at me with two quick jabs. I told him that I said that I wanted to go slow. Know what he said? " This is how slow I go". Tch. Shinjimae!......Gomennasai.
Well,guess I'd better go I have homework to do:( (lol).

Train hard everyone!
Hello Black Dragon,

Wow. I can't believe that a person could come into a dojo like that and behave how he did. Obviously, it happens often but I've never seen it...yet! I'm sorry that it happened and I hope that he won't come back....or maybe, if he does come back...maybe he'll come back with a humble attitude. Yeah, right!:shrug:

Robyn :asian:
While I haven't been in the MA as long as some, I have had more than ample opportunities to experience this kind of temporary student...

They usually are very excited about their new school, at least for the first few minutes of class, but then very rapidly begin making excuses for their inability to perform any of the techniques they are supposed to be learning, usually relating back to their previous arts (and not wanting to go against what they learned before).

I always ask them, eventually, why they ever stopped training in their previous art, and why they don't go back since they obviously have no interest in learning the new style...

Be glad he hasn't come back, and if he does, do your best to ignore him and not pair up with him. He may get the message eventually.

It isn't too bad in judo. If a new guy wants to show something we say 'show it at the end of the class when we will be messing about with new stuff, we'd be glad to see it'.

If you want to rough house in Judo, feel free. Throwing punches is not allowed, and if somebody started that they'd be thrown out or worse still paired up with one of the black belts.

Once a black belt in Sambo came in and got thrown around by all the black belts, which is not surprising since the guy had been out of training for two years. I was a green belt at the time, and I knew he'd go at me hard once he paired up with me, because his girlfriend was watching. He played by the rules, but sure enough he slammed me to the mat as hard as he could again and again. I took it as great breakfall practice.

Another time a guy came and complained loudly whenever he was thrown, but was quite happy to throw others into the walls if necessary, and continued groundfighting when his partner was in danger of getting kicked by another of the players who could not see what was going on. He wasn't letting up when people were tapping. So when it came to my turn to play him, I stopped using my usual method, which is to throw my partner as gently as possible, and landed on him whenever it was inconvenient not to do so. He wasn't impressed that I was playing by his rules, and he couldn't train for weeks because I landed on his thigh.

To my eternal shame I'm slightly proud of that.
First of all...sorry to see that you had to deal with such an @sshole! But I respect how you handled it and say that speaks volumes of ya!

Your instructor should have put a stop to it right away and I know it is hard to catch at times when you are teaching a full class but it is his responisiblity to do so.

We have and continue to have several people from different styles or the same style, different dojos that come around from time to time who get into a "pissing" match with our students.

The thing to remember is this is a challenge. And you DO NOT LOSE that challenge. Doing so diminshes the credibility of not only your school, instructors but your art as well. Most people, once they have been given a "wake up" call (either by applying more force or other various henka) will settle down once they realize that the stuff will hurt and is effective. A hard lesson to learn at times.

Makes me think of a jerk who actually attended a few classes with us who used to deviate from what we were learning and then did his own thing from some kung fu and ended up smacking a few people in the face.

We eventually got rid of him by "defending" ourselves whenever he tried some of his funny stuff.

He eventually left the kung fu school because he was "being bullied".
Sorry to come in late to the discussion. As what BlackDragon said rang a bell, I felt like chiming in. yes, I have witnessed this sort of behavior a time or two. In my current school, I deal with it directly and control the situation. Some instructors allow the student to handle it because they are confident in their ability to handle the bully type. From your description of the guy claiming "shaolin" and mentioning "Ippon Kumite", it sure sounds like you came across one of the Shaolin Do people. (I used to be one many years ago). Search Shaolin Do and you will understand.
It's quite simple really If you go to another martial art you go there to learn that art, If you insist on doing things the way you did them in the art you come from and are not willing to learn the new way then you should leave the new class and go back to that art. Unfortunately some people like the jerk you mention just don't get that and it's up to the instructor of that class to make sure they do. You did exactly the right thing and should be proud.

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