Secretly cross training?

AceHBK said:
I train in TKD (primary art) 3x a week.
I have been with my master from the start as he started his school and is trying to build up the program.

I am also taking private lessons in Shaolin Kung Fu 2x a week.

I havent told my TKD master that I am cross training. I feel like I am cheating on my wife so to speak. Me and my TKD master are very close as we discuss everything but for some reason I feel like I cant tell him that I am cross training. I feel like I have betrayed him or something.

We are like brothers but I dont want him to think that I know alot in TKD and now feel like I can handle another art when that is not even the case. The opportunity came to learn kung fu from a really good teacher so I didnt wanna pass it up being it is the art I always wanted to learn.

I have been doing it since January and it is hard to show some kung fu in TKD class. I keep them seperate but you cant help for it to show sometimes.

Anyone else who has been thru this?

I have the same situation as you where the person that runs the dojo I attend happens to be like a brother to me. We both understand that ours is more of a training partner to training partner relationship at the dojo and not a teacher to student relationship. Over the last month I have started to attend a tai ji class. I have been open with him about my extra training outside the dojo and he supports me 100% in my venture. In my opinion as long as you are honest with him and it helps your current training then there should be no problems. You will have problems if you keep hiding it from him. Remember you are friends before you are teacher/ student.

In the spirit of bushido!

I feel it can be beneficial to cross train with another science or so as long as it does not interfere or disrupt your "root" martial science.

If the other science compliments with your original style and makes YOU a better fighter, whats so wrong with that?

Sure your Sifu is your foundation and the very person you should give thanks and appreciation to but, does he/she own you? Do you belong to your Sifu or are you your own person?

The Sifu should not act like a possesive boyfriend who is suspicious of his girlfriend and spies on her without any trust.
THe only reason i can see an instructor or Sifu getting upset with your for cross training is if the other stuff you are learning hinders your original materials. Other than that, its your life and you are to experience/discover what works best for you as an individual.

OF COURSE, we need to also remember "Jack of all trades, master of none". Perhaps it is wiser to have some more training and experience in your original Martial science first b4 doing something else. It all depends.

I think if Shaolin Kung Fu assist you in becoming a better fighter, why not embrace it and learn from it as well as TKD?! Why should your teacher be hurt and upset at you if he/she see's you progressing?
Well, I think it's kind of odd. I cross train, but not secretly. Whenever I attend an "outside" workshop or class, or start training regularly in another art, I always "ask" sensei. And he always says, "Have fun."
It also really depends. If your root teacher/Sifu is the jealous type or one who assumes a lot, i personally believe you should wait a bit b4 telling him/her you are cross training in another science.

I personally would wait a while b4 telling my Sifu. I would not rush the process. Just my method.
It is none of your instructors business what you do outside of class. I've had to deal with people (thankfully never directly) who were very possessive of their students and forbade them from training at other places. Those instructors tended to loose a lot of students.

My BJJ instructor activley encourages us to train other places, even other BJJ schools. He wants to see us get better, and training as much as we can with a diverse group of people will get us there. At the end of they day he is confident we will come back.

If you train with the same partners for a long time you learn each others habits and tend to fall into patterns. When you train with new people you are exposed to new things and this will help you grow.

That said, if your instructor is your friend and you think cross training will hurt your friendship then take that into consideration. You have no responsibility to tell him, but if you feel bad not doing it then let him know.