Does This Seem Fair?

The picture I have of the incident is the sensei went outside to confront the kids (hopefully not physically) and one of them took a swing at him. Considering this, I think his response was completely appropiate, juviniles or not.

There are too many people (not just parents) who believe that only the LEOs should be the ones to take action in any incident. In many cases this is correct. The problem is that there is now a great many people, including children, who believe there are no real consequences to there actions.

I'm not saying that if someone keys your car that you should pound them into a bloody pile of goo, but there there has to be an immediate response that, I would hope, would cause the assailant to seriously think twice before doing that again.

It's been nearly 24 hours since my post was the last one here. They don't call me the thread killer for nothing!
They don't call me the thread killer for nothing!

Sorry, would have responded earlier but I had to work. Guess I just killed your reputation!

I agree with you that there are way too many people doing wrong in the world today and not enough who want to stop them. But of course we have to consider our roles as citizens there's only so much you can do, as you said it's not as though you can take someone who keyed your car and key them.

I was once asked if a martial artist has obligations like a doctor. If a doctor is off duty and is say walking down the street and someone starts having a heart attack, are they not obligated to help? If a martial artist is walking down the street and say sees someone being unfairly beat on, do we have an obligation to stop and help. Granted they are in a totally different league, but it is something to consider.

I think my personal bottom line on what my Sensei did is, he did the right thing in teaching them a lesson but went about it the wrong way!
I was once asked if a martial artist has obligations like a doctor. If a doctor is off duty and is say walking down the street and someone starts having a heart attack, are they not obligated to help? If a martial artist is walking down the street and say sees someone being unfairly beat on, do we have an obligation to stop and help. Granted they are in a totally different league, but it is something to consider.

I don't think that a martial artist, or anyone else for that matter, has an legal obligation to stop and help. But there might be a moral obligation (another discussion). Most of the people I know couldn't just look the other way. I would try to help some way, even if it's just calling 911.

On the other hand, there are those that would like to litterally strap on a cape or something and go out and fight crime. Believe me, we've had a couple of those ilk coming into the dojo wanting to train. Pretty scary actually when you think about the mentality behind the thinking.
On the other hand, there are those that would like to litterally strap on a cape or something and go out and fight crime. Believe me, we've had a couple of those ilk coming into the dojo wanting to train. Pretty scary actually when you think about the mentality behind the thinking.

I know exactly what you mean I've had to deal with a couple of those people myself. They train for 6 months (sometimes less) and think that they could put on a red cape and boots and fly around and stop all the crime in the city! And I agree that it is pretty scary!