I wanted to address the gatekeepers question?
First off good question, because I believe in using videos for reference I've asked myself the same question.
As far as a gatekeeper (of knowledge) it implies that I withhold knowledge from my students. To this I probably give my students way to much info. I explain things in much greater detail than I was taught, I try and show my students how things connect together so I give them a much wider view point than many instructors have. I don't hold back. Probably the same reason why I write long posts trying to explain my view point.

It's not that I try and give them to advanced techniques, I mean I try and relate concepts and such. For instance I was helping teach a class this morning and the instructor (I'm a guest instructor in this example) asked me to cover some disarms. So they were American Karate students and I was teaching FMAs. So I taught them a few disarms but I related the movements and the concepts for disarming back to the karate kata they knew. Now I told them that the principle of two ways action is found in the kata like this motion, that motion etc. etc. and demonstrated how to make the disarm work with double stick, single stick (stick held in both left and right hands) and empty hand. I had them only work on the single stick and then translate the movements to empty hand but I showed them how it related to a lot more.
So my question is to everyone out there who says you can't learn from a video, if they understood how to apply the principles found in the disarm. I don't see why they couldn't have seen it demonstrated on their computer screen and made the same connection. Maybe they only had practiced in class the single stick version, so why couldn't people look at it and say hey that's how to do it with a double stick application, or stick and knife, or tonfa, sai, or kama? A beginner maybe not, but a student who is taught (or trained) to see things that way (speaking from my experience with my students), I don't see why not. I tell people all of the time to use my video channel as a reference.
If they can make those type of connections between different weapons or different disarms defenses etc. etc. etc. why can't someone learn the basics of a kata? To fine tune the disarms and the unarmed defense they need the instructor, to help guide them further they still need an instructor. But to learn the basics, the large motions of a disarm or a kata they can get information from you tube.