The self same 'murderous' soldiers are the same ones who fought against the Nazis to allow you to be able to speak your mind, the self same 'murderous soldiers' are the ones you will expect to do your fighting for you if we ever are threatened again. the soldiers are the ones who do the things you don't want to, they pick up rubbish when the dustmen are on strike, they carrying the sick and injured when the ambulance men are on strike, they put out the fires when the firemen are on strike. The servicemen are the ones who carry out those caught by floods, they rescue people taken by pirates, they were the ones who had to dig up the bodies of those massacred in the Balkans so that those responsible could be brought to justice and the dead could be identified. Those servicemen are the ones who make sure you sleep safely in your bed, they risk their lives for you whenever it's necessary and they do it willingly. They defend you and pick up the pieces when it all goes pear shaped. You can 'wash your hands' of them, but don't forget how many died in Europe and Asia during the last war so that you are allowed to say you revile them.
These btw are the anti war protestors, note the violence they seem to enjoy, there's plenty more both here in America if you wish to Google.
As for your violence I think you are being a bit disingenuous here, we both know it's not the fighting I was referring to.
I hthink you don't have any idea of what our soldiers are doing out in Afghan, I don't think you know how they work and what it's like for them. There's not one of them doesn't want us to come out of there but while they are there they will try to make a difference in people lives for the better, they serve their country unstintingly and unselfishly, if their country lets them down by sending them off to wars that are unjust then it has to be addressed to those who send them not the soldiers. No one likes war but wars happen sometimes they are unavoidable if we want to keep our freedom, some wars we should stay right out of. Some wars we go in as peace keepers to stop the fighting as in Cyprus and other places, the self same soldiers are the ones who take all the risks. I repeat my challenge to you, come up here, to the largest garrison in Europe and explain to the soldiers why you think they are murderers and deserve to die. You should of course travel to Afghan and tell the insurgents there, in between them bombing the schools, throwing acid in schoolgirls faces and burying IEDs for the locals to walk on, that you think they are wrong too. disabuse yourself of the idea that Afghanistan or Iraq were utopias of freedom, they are pretty lousy countries to live in, that doesn't justify wars but it does mean that while our troops are there, they at least even if the politicians, the would be politicians and the peace protestors don't do anything to help the people they are trying to. You can go on your peace marches with everyones blessing, you have the right, hard won by soldiers, to speak your mind but remember where that freedom came from, you wouldn't have it under the Nazis, that's for sure. Remember too that while you are shouting about soldiers fighting those self same soldiers are also the ones delivering medical care to the people who wouldn't receive it otherwise, they are also the ones who won't fire on civilians so risk being shot themselves, they are also the ones who try not to actually kill the civilians but yes they will kill the insurgents, you shoot at soldiers they will shoot you back. Should they be there? Who knows, the fact is you can play 'what if' all day but they are there and they are trying very hard not to make the situation any worst. The Afghan police and army are being trained up to take over, they do a lot of the patrols there now anyway. They are totally random about who they shoot, a medic friend of mine had to try to patch up a 3 year old Afghan girl they shot. She kept her alive long enough for the Americans to take her by helicopter to hospital where she survived. The female engagement teams out there do tremendous work and it's the ethos of the armed forces that makes them want to help as much as they can, they will not however be attacked with impunity however. There are instructions on when they can fire back these are adhered too as much as is practicable. Despite what you think the soldiers aren't happy at civilians deaths, don't be under any illusion however that the insurgents they are fighting aren't trained soldiers, they are and good ones at that. Mistakes, misunderstandings and just sheer stupidness happen in war as they do in peacetime, the Allies have killed innocents, and will do so again sadly, and it is sad, it's a tragedy, and very very regretable, the soldiers do feel sorrow, as they do when it's a blue on blue but if there's a mistake made they try to rectify it, it's it's deliberate they will punish because we are trying to do the right thing, not much you might think if your family is the one killed. How much worse then is it to be blown up by your own people, to have suicide bombers taret the markets, the schools and the towns? How much worse to have the insurgents come and kill the men in your village because they can, how much worse is it that your children are maimed and killed by IEDs planted by your own people? We will leave Afghan, sooner rather than later we hope, but we also hope that while being there was regrettable we have at least done something to atone for it all when those who have cause the problems the Taliban and Al Queda are unrepentant at all the deaths and suffering they have caused?